25 facts about dogs, which you had no idea before

For thousands of years, people have tamed dogs. Cute and intelligent animals proved to be useful companions and excellent friends. And about friends, after all, you always want to know more. And we will help you learn a few new interesting facts about dogs.

1. Domestic dogs can mate with wolves.

Dogs and wolves have similar DNA, because they can easily mate and produce healthy puppies, which are commonly called wolf-dogs.

2. Sometimes dogs smell like popcorn.

Many dog ​​owners claim that their pets sometimes smell of popcorn or snacks to beer. With the diet of animals this is in fact not connected in any way, and the cause of the aroma is the bacteria that live on the paws of animals.

3. Small dogs, as a rule, live longer than large ones.

For the animal kingdom, such tendencies are uncharacteristic. In most animals, the size and life span are proportionally related, but not in dogs. Why small dogs can live from 10 to 15 years, and many representatives of large breeds do not always meet the 13th birthday, scientists are still unable to explain. Probable cause may be that puppies of large dogs grow faster, because of which they develop more actively different diseases.

4. Dogs have three centuries.

Upper, lower and blinking membranes. The latter is multifunctional - it moisturizes the eye, contributes to making tears and cleaning the apple from foreign particles.

5. The scent of a dog is several times better than that of a person.

The fact that dogs have a good sense of smell, many know. But not everyone knows that in the noses of dogs there are approximately 300 million olfactory receptors, while in humans there are only about 6 million.

6. Dogs and people evolved together.

The truth is that dogs are like their owners. We and our younger brothers actually have a lot in common. The man and the dog are inseparable for 32 thousand years. All this time they develop in parallel.

7. Baboons sometimes kidnap dogs.

This became known after the appearance of a video on the network, which shows how the monkey drags a puppy behind it. As it turned out, baboons sometimes kidnap dogs, and then tame them. The best "trainers" manage to raise reliable guards of the pack.

8. Dogs sweat their paws.

In the heat of the dog open the mouth and thus cool. In this case, the main sweat glands secreting liquid sweat in the animals are located on the paws.

9. Dogs can smell the senses.

In different states, the human body smells differently. Human sense of smell, these changes can not catch, and dogs due to the huge number of receptors perfectly understand everything that we feel.

10. Like humans, dogs dream.

Want to see this, watch a little for your pet. About 20 minutes after he falls asleep, his eyes begin to move under the centuries.

11. Three dogs managed to escape from the Titanic.

The liner had everything necessary to ensure that passengers could comfortably travel with their four-legged friends. The first and last journey of the Titanic was set to 12 dogs. Only three of them managed to escape - Pekingese and two Pomeranian Spitz.

12. An unpleasant odor from the mouth of a dog can be a sign of illness.

Halitosis appears with various diseases, therefore, having noticed this symptom, it is desirable to take the animal to the doctor as soon as possible.

13. The print of each dog's nose is unique.

Like a fingerprint in people.

14. Previously, every kitchen had its own dog.

Animals ran in a wheel, the rotation of which was transferred to a skewer with meat.

15. Dogs can feel the approach of a storm.

Dogs feel the pressure drop. In addition, they are able to hear the sounds of thunder long before they can be distinguished by the human ear.

16. In Moscow, stray dogs quietly ride the subway.

Moreover, some people know that it is necessary to cross the road at a traffic light. And many mongrels realized: if you look at the good-natured visitors of cafes and restaurants, you can have a full dinner.

17. In the 1860s, when all homeless dogs were exterminated in San Francisco, a pair of mongrels not only managed to survive, but also became popular throughout the country.

They were regularly written about in newspapers. Behind the life of Bammer and Lazarus was the whole country. All due to the fact that the "partners" were catching many rats - about 400 pieces per month - which were even more of a problem than stray dogs.

18. Dogs can "see" in the dark with their mustaches.

The mustache of dogs is very sensitive to changes in air currents, which allows animals to assess the height, shape, speed of movement of various objects in the dark.

19. Dogs sniff each other under the tail in greeting.

This action is like a handshake, only much more informative. A special smell will help the dog to learn about the stranger everything - his sex, diet, health and even mood.

20. Puppies are born blind and deaf.

At birth, the eye and ear canals of babies are closed, and in the first weeks of life they are still developing.

21. Guide dogs go to the toilet on command.

They are very smart and well-trained, therefore they leave the hosts only when they give the appropriate team.

22. Dogs can smell cancer or diabetes.

Yes, their sense of smell is so acute. Scientists have conducted several different studies, and in most cases the dogs have shown themselves to be excellent diagnosticians. As practice shows, some dogs can even sniff a sharp drop in the blood sugar level of the diabetic master and warn him about it.

23. The level of development of dogs is close to two-year-old children.

They learn up to 165 different words. The most intelligent understand about 250 phrases and phrases.

24. "Seals" train together with Belgian malinois in equal conditions.

Training dogs and special forces are held in the same harsh conditions. Preparation takes at least 15 hours a week, but after that the dogs can go with their companions in the fire and into the water. And even with a parachute jump, if the task requires it.

25. Choosing a place for coping with need, dogs take into account the magnetic field of the Earth.

Studies have shown that dogs defecate along the North-South axis. How this is explained is not yet known.