Common hazel - planting and care

Many from childhood remember how beautifully looked three nuts in the hand of Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name. But they plant a hazel not to get the same cherished nutlets, but rather for decorative purposes. The fact is that common hazel, or hazel, under favorable conditions easily grows to ten meters and above, and for weaker plants serves as an excellent shield against the wind.

Planting of hazel

As a rule, it is advised to practice planting in the autumn period. The characteristic moisture from autumn rains and still quite warm sun become the best conditions for the tree to survive. To be afraid of early frosts is not worth it, since they are absolutely not afraid after rooting and curing the hazel.

Landing pits are dug directly under each tree, depending on its root system. Preliminary it is necessary to add a little fertile land with a lot of nutrients.

The scheme for planting a common hazel consists of the following stages:

  1. After excavating the pit and preparing it, we set the seedling so that the root neck always remains on the surface (otherwise growth will be significantly slowed down).
  2. After you dig the bottom of the seedling, the earth should be gently, but carefully compacted.
  3. Abundantly watered and mulched from above with peat, manure or humus.
  4. If you want to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, in the spring you can cut the seedlings about above the seventh kidney, then the tree will become lush and the crown will be voluminous.

Formation of hazelnut in the framework of planting and care

As a rule, it is not necessary to engage in shaping the crown or pruning. This does not apply to annual sanitary pruning. Removing all dry branches, broken shoots or clearly superfluous, contributing to the thickening of the crown, remains mandatory.

It also happens that you have to remove the middle extra trunks, they usually start to grow in the center of the plant. Partly have to bend off the side branches and fix them with rubber bands.

Be prepared for the fact that after planting on its permanent place the plant will take a lot of area. Therefore, it should be located at least five to six meters from other crops. The hazel grows well on soils with a deep bed of water, moist and nutritious.

In the issue of planting and caring for the common hazel, the moment with fertilization is not the last. To please the tree can be mineral or organic top dressing. Add them in the recommended equal amounts in the entire season at the same intervals. But never apply nitrogen fertilizers in the fall period. The fact is that nitrogen is a stimulator of growth of shoots, before frosts they simply will not have time to get stronger and freeze. And every time after applying liquid fertilizers or just watering, do not forget to loosen the ground.

Transplantation of common hazel

When a few years pass and your sapling grows to the right size, you can begin to multiply. As a rule, preference is given to dividing the bush. With the help of a sharp shovel, literally a couple of young shoots directly from the root system and dig up with an earthen lump.

Before transplanting the seedlings of the common hazelnut to a new place, experienced gardeners recommend making small incisions on the trunk approximately 15 cm from the ground. This method stimulates the growth of lateral shoots, and also simplifies the bush's survival in a new place. As for the diseases of common hazelnut, here it is worthwhile to fear scabbards with aphids and weevils. Sometimes the fruit begins to eat the caterpillar of the acorn stalk. Therefore, it is important to clean up the fallen leaves in time in the spring and check the bark for pests in spring, where they winter.