The most cute cats

Cats - this is the embodiment of grace, femininity, subtle nature and beauty. These fluffy, murring, tender creatures very often become family members and, having won the trust of the owner, rule the atmosphere in the house. In some countries they are revered as sacred beings. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered the embodiment of the goddess of joy, and those who killed them were subjected to executions.

The most lovely cats can be called representatives of several breeds. Below are a few examples.

Scottish lop-eared

Insanely beautiful animal. Her pretty little face and plush fur will not leave anyone indifferent. She is unpretentious in the care and very attached to her breadwinner. The ancestors of the lop-dogs come from Scotland, and from there the name. Scottish beauties delight their owners with amusing behavior - they can sleep on their backs, stand on their hind legs.

Exotic Shorthair Cat

Another representative of the cute breeds of cats is exotic shorthair. She has a silky hair, huge round eyes, short ears and a small snub nose. These data made her one of the sweetest cats in the world. It is bred in America, and its ancestors are Persian cats. Very affectionate, gentle and playful creature. Only specialized nurseries are engaged in the implementation of these beauties.

Persian cat

To the cute breeds of cats can be attributed and Persian . If you compare it with other breeds - it is the most affectionate and domestic. Persians feel comfortable only at home and are very devoted to their masters, they love attention and are constantly in sight. They have thick and long hair, a fluffy tail, a round muzzle and expressive eyes.

These are not all representatives of the cat family, which are considered the most lovely and beautiful. Every cat has a magical and charming trait. For them, the most important thing is proper care, love and care of the owners.