Strawberry repair - growing from seeds

Cultivation of repairing strawberries from seeds has recently become more popular among gardeners. And there are a number of good reasons for this, because this kind of berries fructifies from the very beginning of summer and to deep frosts. And the taste qualities of the fruits of each new crop do not deteriorate at all, as well as its quantity. In this article, we will share recommendations on the rules for planting a patch of strawberry seeds.

Preparation for sowing

In order for seed sowing to succeed, it is important to choose the right time for sowing, to know the composition of the nutritional formula, to take a number of precautions. Seed sowing is best done in the first days of February. Future berry bushes, planted in this period, will begin to bear fruit already in the first days of June. An excellent place for growing strawberry seedlings can serve as a glazed balcony or a winter garden with artificial lighting.

Before planting a repair strawberry seed, you need to select the right seed and prepare trays or cups for young plants. In order not to make a mistake in choosing the soil for this berry crop, it makes sense to purchase a ready mix in a flower shop. The "Universal" substrate, which has an average acidity value, can be the optimal option.

In spite of the fact that the soil is usually sold in polyethylene bags, it should be disinfected, just in case. To do this, you can use a pale pink solution of manganese or any other soil fungicide. After this simple manipulation, the planting mixture for seeding the patch of strawberry is ready.


As mentioned above, the best time to plant the seeds of patchy strawberries is February. In the tray or cups should be poured 5-7 centimeters of soil mixture. For these purposes, you can use the "Universal" substrate or ideally a mixture of 30% sand, 30% of the upper peat and 40% vermiculite.

The sowing of the repairing strawberry with seeds is carried out as follows: the seeds scatter on the surface of a slightly compacted planting soil. Sprinkle the seeds of strawberries with soil from above is not required, it is enough to press them lightly. After that, moisten them with a sprayer. Germination of seeds is recommended to be carried out at room temperature, the tray or beakers are covered from above with a film in order to avoid excessive loss of moisture. Shoots of strawberry remontant appear 21 days after sowing the seeds. After this, the seedlings are opened, put under natural or artificial lighting. If the seedling begins to stretch in length, then it should be artificial way to increase the light day. For this purpose inexpensive energy saving phytolamp is quite suitable. Ideally, for this plant a light day should be at least 16 hours.


Seeding of young plants can begin from 28-30 days after emergence. To do this, you can take out seedlings on a glass balcony or in a greenhouse. It starts with 10-15 minutes a day, increasing the time by five minutes once a week. After the seedlings have reached the age of two months, they should be discarded, culling weak plants. Young strawberries like abundant watering, but painfully perceives stagnation of fluid near the root system. From this strawberry often gets fungal diseases. The unstruck strawberry is planted in the open ground when the night temperature stops falling below 10 degrees.

In order to achieve a good yield of this type of strawberry, you should stock up on "berry" water-soluble fertilizers. During the growing season and flowering, they will have to make 10-12 times.