How correctly to carol?

The most beautiful and ancient tradition in the celebration of Christmas is the carols, when people willingly open the doors of their houses to unfamiliar or not at all familiar kolyaduyuschim, and those in turn wish the owners prosperity and prosperity in the coming year. The tradition of caroling came to us a very long time and caught on. Particularly fond of caroling children, because for Christmas carols it is customary to treat sweets and give money. The custom of caroling is a mixture of pagan and Orthodox traditions, but since the birth of Christ the ritual was timed precisely to this event, and then it became a generally accepted rule in the texts of carols to glorify the Creator and on his behalf to wish good to people.

Who is kidding on January 7 - boys or girls?

Caroling is taken on the night of Christmas from 6 to 7 January, and this can be done by everyone regardless of gender and age. The most important rule for caroling people is how to properly prepare for the rite , you need to collect a team of at least three people, think through and learn the lyrics and wishes, prepare the necessary costumes and attributes.

How to properly caroling?

Let's start all in order - first we need to determine the most experienced and skillful to sing and speak beautifully to the member of the collective, he will play the main role, he needs to carry the Christmas star ahead of everyone.

The second most important in the group of caroling people is a man who, with a bell in his hands, will ring out the residents about the desire to build for them.

The third role is reserved for carrying a bag for sweets, money and other gratitude from the owners of houses, which will be visited by caroling people.

Pay attention to the costumes, they can be both in the national theme, and arbitrary, it is accepted to change into costumes of the opposite sex - men are reincarnated in women and vice versa. An obligatory character in the company is a goat, for this role it is possible to make a mask, horns, a beard, put on a fur coat or an inverted casing.

An important part of the tradition is a repertoire for congratulations, it needs to be well thought out and learned, it is advisable to pre-rehearse. To do this, there are a lot of ready-made and well-known texts, but you can show individuality and make people happy with author's, the main requirement for them is a positive attitude and wishes for the best.

If the goal is chosen, and the caroling company is already on the doorstep of the house, it is necessary to ask the owners permission to carouse, having received a positive answer - proceed to the rite.

How correctly to take kolyaduyushchih?

If on the doorstep of the house appeared with a request to allow caroling, a good host resolves and listens attentively to congratulations and wishes. After the carol singers have finished singing, we need to thank them for the congratulations, wish them all the best, give them as a token of gratitude money or treats and offer to visit you next year. In gratitude, you can invite them to sit down at a festive table or buy drinks and snacks on the go, if it's an adult company.

According to old beliefs it is believed that, without opening the door to those who wish to congratulate on Christmas , the hosts are calling on himself and his house, the damage and poverty for the whole year, moreover it is shameful, because they show such images greed and reluctance to share.

How to properly carol on the old New Year?

The ceremony, which takes place from the evening of January 13 to Vasily - is called bounty, it is carried out by representatives of the fair sex of any age, it is accepted after sunset and until midnight.

At dawn on January 14, men go to sow, and at the same time scatter all the grain of cereals at home and wish prosperity, wealth, peace to the family and home.