Mariah Carey admitted that she suffers from bipolar disorder

Until recently, many stars hid their health problems and psychological ailments, and now they are increasingly giving frank interviews in which they share personal experiences. In the new issue of the tabloid People, Mariah Carey admitted that since 2001 she has been struggling with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder of the second type.

Mariah Carey on the cover of the People tabloid

According to the singer, mood swings, psychosis with manic and depressive manifestations brought her 17 years ago to a strong nervous breakdown. After going through a difficult stage of diagnosis and treatment, she hid from close friends and admirers of the disease, fearing that she would turn her back:

"It was hard for me to hide my diagnosis from friends and relatives - this is a heavy burden. I could not ask anyone for help and explain the reasons for my mood swings. The constant fear that I will be exposed, forced to hide from communication with fans, live in isolation. At some point, I realized that the situation had gone too far and I needed help again. I underwent therapy, on the advice of a psychologist, surrounded myself with positive and easy people. I should have done it before, I would have avoided many problems. Now I'm writing poetry, doing music and enjoying life. "

Mariah Carey does not hide her illness now and openly admits to having a number of psychological problems. Now she periodically resorts to treatment during an exacerbation, the appearance of irritability and hyperactivity, followed by a depression:

"I did not immediately realize that I have problems, writing off for fatigue and employment. For a long time I struggled with insomnia, against the background of this constant irritability and maniacal fear of letting others down. Feelings of loneliness and guilt, a desire to do more than I can. I did not manage to recover from the constant stress In the end, drugs and a feeling of depression and fatigue. How to find a balance in this state? It was incredibly difficult. "
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Fortunately, Mariah Carey was pulling herself together and controlling her illness. Next to her are two 6-year-old twins who do not let her relax, ex-beloved ones who support her and allow her to feel loved and desired.

Mariah Carey with the children