Types of warts

The first association that occurs when warts are mentioned is a frog, or rather a toad. The story that after contact with this amphibian on the hands there are unpleasant neoplasms, you probably need to know. Certainly, different types of warts can appear on the body of one who has not seen frogs in the eye. Neoplasms come in different sizes and pop up wherever they want.

Where do warts come from?

These benign neoplasms appear as a result of a sharp growth of the upper and underlying papillary layers of the skin. The main reason for the appearance of warts is human papillomavirus . Depending on the type of warts can grow from a couple of millimeters to several centimeters. Sometimes the tubercles grow together, forming large tumors. Initially, the warts do not differ in color from the skin. Darken they can in the process of growth and then because of the particles of dirt sticking to them.

Infect HPV can be as follows:

Types of warts on the body and face

It is accepted to distinguish several basic varieties of growths:

  1. Ordinary, simple or vulgar warts are small tubercles, not more than 5mm high. Very often they expand, and next to a large, so-called maternal wart appear daughter neoplasms.
  2. Flat (juvenile) warts - round outgrowths often irregular in shape, but with a flat apex. Are usually located on the hands and face. Favorable conditions for appearance - the presence of scratches and irritations on the skin.
  3. Seniors - the kind of warts appearing on the legs, hands, neck, face - all over the body. The basis of such neoplasms is dead layers of soft tissues. Differ from other varieties of warts in dark color.
  4. Pointed condylomas are tubercles of dark flesh-colored color. Appear in the majority in the field of an anus, an oral cavity, on a surface of genitals. Wrist condoms grow very quickly and are very often combined into conglomerates.
  5. Acrochords - growths in the form of warts, appearing mainly among the elderly. There are filiform warts quite rare. Are capable to be formed on the damaged places.
  6. Plantar warts are formed on the foot. They are very easy to confuse with common calluses. The appearance of such growths is facilitated by uncomfortable shoes.