The most high-calorie food

Mankind has been bowing to its calorie food all its history. In conditions of food shortage, lack of opportunity to eat 5-6 times a day, the food our ancestors consumed should have been very high in calories. Only now, when before the average resident of the planet the problem of hunger has ceased to be relevant, humanity began to fight with very high-calorie food.

All this is true, because if we eat more often, then the energy value of each serving should be less. Alas, not all of us visit this bright idea.

Fast food

"Fast" food just means a lightning saturation that will nourish you for long hours. It so happened that a person is so pleasant taste of fried and fat, that he does not feel in time the signal "stop", which warns about saturation.

Just imagine a snack in the form of a hamburger and french fries. This is really the most caloric food, the so-called "energy bomb". A person who regularly visits fast-food restaurants is simply doomed to obesity and health problems. Hamburger enriches us 510 kcal / piece, and french fries - 239 kcal / 100 g. Total, 749 kcal - almost half of the daily energy needs of women.

Grilled meat

The second place in the list, which food is the most caloric, is roasted pork steaks. Only 100 g of fried food will cost you 600 calories, and this is provided for grilling, because the use of oil will add another hundred extra calories. The roasted chicken also has a caloric content of 490 kcal / 100 g.

Not high-calorie, but hearty

Also it is necessary to mention necessarily what kind of food is not high-calorie, but very nutritious. The regulars of the expeditions to the Amazon know that there is one single product that will save from hunger - this is avocado. It grows in those regions without interruption, and if you are without food in the woods, it is enough to eat only one fruit of avocado, to naresya for 24 hours.

Its calorie content is only 208 kcal / 100 g, and the secret of nutrition is that it contains a huge dose of vitamins, unsaturated fats, and protein.

For weight gain

There is always a category of people who wants to gain weight - it can be from nature subtle people, or bodybuilders. They, like no one else, it is important to know what high-calorie food should be filled with their refrigerators for weight gain.

For caloric nutrition for the purpose of recruiting mass there are several rules: