Fiber for weight loss - how to take it?

All nutritionists recommend that people who lose weight consume fiber-rich foods, but today gross dietary fiber is available in pure form. Let's see what they can be useful or harmful.

Why is cellulose for weight loss?

The chemical composition of cellulose is quite diverse: it contains cellulose, inulin, pectin, oligosaccharides. In addition, rough dietary fiber is practically not digested in the body, all together it determines its useful properties.

  1. Fiber is an excellent substrate for the growth and reproduction of bacteria living in the intestine. Normal microflora helps to absorb vitamins, is involved in maintaining immunity and helps digestion.
  2. The use of fiber for weight loss is also in the fact that getting into the digestive system, it increases in size and fills the stomach, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger. Therefore, the use of coarse dietary fiber helps prevent overeating and reduce the amount of servings.
  3. Fiber effectively cleanses the intestines, removes from it not only toxic substances, but also fats, contributing to the normalization of the level of cholesterol.

Fiber for weight loss - how to take it?

This product can not be consumed in unlimited quantities, as it can cause exacerbation of gastritis, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. Therefore, before you include coarse dietary fiber in the diet, you should learn how to take fiber for weight loss. It is believed that in a day an adult should consume about 30 grams of pure fiber , provided that there is a certain shortage of foods in his diet that are rich in coarse dietary fibers (vegetables, legumes, fruits, dried fruits, berries). Bran or fiber in the form of powder can be added to soups, salads, natural yoghurts, second courses, cereals and even dietary baking. This will help make the dish more nutritious and at the same time reduce its calorie content.

Many people prefer to consume cellulose with low-fat kefir or just wash down with water, so the question arises how to drink fiber for weight loss. It is recommended to add a tablespoon of bran or fiber to a glass of kefir or water. Those who take fiber, it is also necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of liquid, so that the coarse dietary fibers can swell while in the digestive system.

So, we found out how useful dietary fiber for weight loss, but you need to know how to choose it. If you prefer to wash down fiber, then buy it in powder form. Usually, various seeds and herbs are added to the coarse dietary fiber, which makes the fiber even more useful. A large amount of fiber is found in the bran. Portion of bran you can replace the snack or one of the meals. A lot of fiber is found in bread, but it is more useful to choose round loaves consisting of swollen grains, since they contain the most coarse dietary fiber. Some loaves have sugar, wheat flour, so they are similar to bread, and contain not so much fiber, so before you buy it is better to get acquainted with the composition.

With all the useful qualities of fiber, do not forget that unlike vegetables, fruits and legumes, it contains far fewer vitamins , minerals and other useful nutrients. Even if the manufacturer enriches the fiber with vitamins, they will be absorbed worse than from conventional products. You can only supplement your diet with cellulose, but do not abuse it.