How many calories in carrots?

The question about the caloric content of carrots is too abstract, since carrots are different, so the answer to it is ambiguous.

How many calories are in different kinds of carrots?

Caloric content of fresh carrots is 25 kcal.

Caloric content of boiled carrots is 33 kcal.

Caloric content of carrots cooked on steam - 29.8 kcal.

Caloric content of carrots with sugar is 175 kcal.

The caloric content of baked carrots is 28.5 kcal.

Calorie content of dried carrots is 221 kcal.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrots are a rich source of mineral sulfur. This is one of the main components of insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert carbohydrates into energy. Carrots, like other products containing a large amount of sulfur, have a cleansing and antiseptic effect on the digestive system and blood flow.

Therefore, cold carrot juice is an excellent tool for skin cleansing.

Another carrot is good in that it supplies three minerals simultaneously: calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The combination of these elements helps strengthen the bones and the nervous system. Each of them separately also works for our health. Calcium is needed to maintain the heart muscle in tone and regulate the heartbeat. Phosphorus is needed for healthy skin, hair and nervous system.

Magnesium is contained in fresh carrots in an optimal form for assimilation. This substance provides normal mental development, the absorption of fats and healthy metabolism. In addition to these elements, carrots enrich our diet with sodium, potassium and vitamin complexes of B, C and E.

Vitamins of group E are especially important for our muscles. They increase the effectiveness and health index of the entire muscular system, helping muscle tissues absorb oxygen. In addition, vitamin E is involved in improving the transport of blood. It dilates the blood vessels, tonicating the circulatory system.

In general, in addition to a serious dose of vitamin A , fresh carrots provide our body is a complete set, supporting it, nutrients. And vitamin A, also known as the "beauty vitamin", is converted in our body into carotene, the best remedy for acne and teenage acne. In addition, the combination of vitamins C and A with silicon makes carrots a practically medicinal plant; those who regularly eat this useful vegetable, greatly improve their vision and they can clearly see objects even in low light.

Carrot juice and fresh carrots are equally useful and low-calorie, so, in what form to use this storehouse of vitamins - just a matter of taste!