Danio - maintenance and care

The zebrafish is one of the most popular and fun fish species, differing from the rest by its ability to jump out of the water.

However, the maintenance and care of zebrafish is quite simple, these fish are unpretentious and non-controversial. Due to its amazing color (and there are 12 species), they always become an ornament of any aquarium. In this article, we will share with you advice on the maintenance and care of zebrafish so that your tiny pets always feel good and for a long time continued to please you with their playfulness and beauty.

Care and maintenance of zebrafish at home

As soon as the danger approaches, these fish can jump out of the water directly into the air, so that the pet is not lost, the aquarium should always be covered with a lid. The optimal distance from the water to the lid is approximately 3-4 cm to jump out, the fish did not hit the hard surface and was not injured.

The content of zebrafish and the care of them at home is quite simple. Fish mostly swim in the upper layers of the water, where oxygen is the most. In this regard, you do not need to install additional aeration of the aquarium.

Danio rerio live in groups. Therefore, if you decide to purchase them, buy 8-10 individuals at once. Since the size of these fish is small - about 4 - 5 cm, for their comfortable living, an aquarium with a volume of 6 to 7.5 liters is quite suitable. The optimum water temperature for zebrafish should be about 24 ° C. Although for minor changes in it these fish will react quite calmly.

If you want to grow zebrafish yourself, then you need to prepare another aquarium - spawning. The water thickness in it should not be more than 6-8 cm. After spawning, the female and male are planted in different aquariums, after which the female is re-launched after 7 days for repeated spawning, in order to avoid its infertility.

Feeding zebrafish is also an important process. For this purpose suitable for this type of dry or live food . It is very important that the food is ground, otherwise the fish will not be able to swallow large pieces.

Compatibility of zebrafish with other fish

If you have replenished your home living area with these wonderful water inhabitants, you can be calm, because the zebrafish perfectly get along with most species of aquarium fish. They get along well with catfish, tarakatums, neon, tetrami, gurami, lalius, swordfish, ancistrus, pecilia, razadnitsami, rasbori, mollinesia, botsiy, guppies, cocks, scalarias, soma Coridoras and labeo. Similarly, "Danichka" quite well get along with snails, shrimps and ampularia.

Despite the good compatibility of zebrafish with other fish, there are some caveats. If you have a barbeque in the aquarium or some other kind of more aggressive fish, do not plant veal zebrafish with them; more nimble tenants can damage or bite off their veil and long fins.

You can not keep zebrafish in one aquarium with goldfish, eels, cichlids, astrotones, discus and Koi carp.

Zebrafish Diseases

Unfortunately, despite all the charm and unpretentiousness of these fish, they have one flaw. It is an inborn disease of zebrafish, which has emerged from breeders - a crooked spine. The main symptoms are scaled up scales, splayed toward the gills and slightly protruding eyes. Most often they appear after fright. A few days later, the zebrafish begins to bend the central vertebra, and as a result, after a while the fish dies.

A prominent disease of zebrafish is also dropsy. The fish have bulging scales, eyes bulge, the belly swells and eventually comes a lethal outcome.