How to grow a cut rose?

Rose, known as the queen of all colors, is indeed a plant of stunning beauty. But it's sad that the roses are not cut long in the cut, they quickly fade. This is nature, and with this it is difficult to do anything. However, there is a wonderful way to grow roses from a bouquet at home, having received a beautiful live flower. We suggest you learn how to do it.

How to grow a rose from a cut flower?

For this there is a clear plan of action - just observe the following rules:

  1. Wait for the moment when the bouquet will begin to wither (while the flowers should not wither completely, you need to cut cuttings earlier than they dry).
  2. Take a knife with a sharp blade and make an oblique cut under the lower kidney of the cuttings, and then - a straight cut above the upper kidney. In total, 3 kidneys and 2 internodes should remain on each cuttings.
  3. Remove the leaves (the lower leaves are completely, the upper ones can be cut halfway).
  4. Get a drug in the flower shop for better rooting ("Kornevin", "Epin" or "Heteroauxin") and dilute it according to the instructions. Soak the cuttings in this solution for 12 hours. As you know, this technique helps to grow the roots of roses much faster than without using such drugs.
  5. In a pot of a suitable size, pour the soil - it is desirable to use a loose and nutritious soil mix for roses. Plant the cuttings in the ground, but not vertically, but slightly tilted each of them. In this case, the average kidney should be above the surface of the earth.
  6. To create the ideal temperature conditions (+ 25 ° C), place the cutting in a bisected plastic bottle. Cover the plant with the upper part of this structure, before unscrewing the cap. If desired, the bottles can be replaced with cellophane bags.
  7. Alternatively, you can grow a rose in a potato - for this, the lower part of the cuttings is stuck in a potato tuber of the average value. The tubers maintain a constant moist and nutritious environment necessary for successful germination.
  8. And, at last, the most labor-consuming stage of growing a rose is a frequent (4-5 times a day) sprinkling of seedlings with water. The liquid for this must be taken stand-by, slightly warmer than room temperature. Maintain a constant moisture in the pot, while avoiding overmoistening.

As you can see, it is quite easy to grow a cut rose. Within a month the plants will take root, you can take off the shelter and wait for the lush flowering.