Cakes for cake - recipe

The variety of textures in the cake is one of the pledges of a unique and interesting dessert. Slightly modifying the technology by kneading the dough, from practical ingredients you can get crispy shortbreads or soft air biscuits, and the variety of additives helps to make each dainty unique from time to time. Different recipes for the cake cake, we will discuss further.

Biscuit cake for yogurt cake - simple recipe

This recipe is one of the modifications of classic biscuit, which is prepared on the basis of kefir. Thanks to the kefir base, the ready-made cakes are slightly more moist, dense and will keep the shape well.



Despite the fact that this is a modified recipe, the preparation scheme is quite similar to the standard biscuit. First of all sugar and soft butter are beaten together in an airy white cream. To the finished cream-base pour vanilla extract (or any other perfume at will), add salt. Separately connect the remaining dry constituents. Working on the oil cream with a mixer, gradually beat the eggs, and then pour in kefir. Add a mixture of dry ingredients and gently knead the dough, this time with a shovel, in order not to overdo it with stirring. The finished dough is spread in a prepared (oiled and parchment-covered) form, and then it is sent to bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Soft vanilla cakes for cake - recipe

According to this Japanese technology of making a cake, the dough does not rise due to the addition of baking powder, but thanks to the whipped whites . The finished cake is baked on a baking sheet, and then cut to the required size.



Whisk egg yolks with 20 grams of sugar. Separately, whisk the milk (room temperature) and butter, add the milk mixture to the yolks. To the basis of the dough, add a mixture of flour and starch. The remaining egg whites are converted into meringue with the rest of the sugar. Mix the prepared meringue carefully with the base of the dough. Spread the mixture over the parchment covered baking sheet and put everything to bake at 170 degrees for half an hour.

Sand cakes for cake - recipe

Cakes for a cake can be not only a soft biscuit in all variations. In the recipes, you can also use shortcake, using it as the base of the tart or layers for the cake.



Mix the flour together with the powdered sugar and add a pinch of shallow salt, designed to shade the sweetness of the base. Chop the flour together with the iced butter. If in our traditional sand test our goal would be to do everything possible to prevent the dough from rising, then here on the contrary, we even add the baking powder in addition to make the base more lush. Baking powder with egg and pour it into flour crumb with butter. Collect the dough together and refrigerate half an hour before rolling.

Chocolate cakes for cake - recipe



After melting the chocolate, beat it with a half egg and three more yolks, add the flour. The remaining three proteins turn into a foam and gently mix it with the dough. Distribute the dough into three 20 cm forms and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.