The power of thought and speech

We can not even imagine how much our thoughts and words affect our psychological state, well-being, our mood. Just words we say and forget. But all that is said and considered is a command for the subconscious, which, catering to us, begins to concentrate on the most different "abominations" that we so readily talk about - wars, politics, disasters ... If you can not help and hinder these events, stop talking about them to speak for nothing, otherwise the power of your own thoughts and words will work against you.

Filter words

You're late for work, and say "damn, I'm always late!". Instead of expressiveness, use "I'm sorry, I'm late" or tell yourself "it's okay, next time I'll go ahead." It is the control of the power of thought. That is, if it's bad for you, you should not concentrate your thoughts and words on the topic "why is it bad", "what's bad", "how bad", you should say "I'm fine" several times in a row and without emotion. This is your installation.


The power of thought and positive thinking means that you should learn to create useful and necessary thoughts in your brain, and to filter out the garbage. If you want something, you should present it in all colors - a picture of how it looks, the sensations that will arise when you fulfill the desired. This technique can be practiced mentally - every day before bedtime, give it 5 minutes. But for some, it is easier to master the power of thought and the law of attraction, visualizing one's desires. In this case, it should be on the sheet of paper in the center, like the sun, arrange your photo, from it, like rays, must come from the visualization of your desires. It can be clippings from magazines, catalogs, photographs, printouts.

Abundance in the world

In the material world, everything is there to satisfy our needs. The world is divided into those who get everything (lucky ones), and who nervously smokes on the sidelines (losers). The bright power of thought is that they use lucky ones, whether they realize it or not, simply believing in the attractive power of the subconscious.

What you should do:

  1. We begin life "from scratch" and formulate what we need.
  2. Example: a new machine.
  3. To do this, we must decide what it will be in every detail - model, color, speed, tank volume, etc.
  4. Do not think about where to get it, the subconscious itself will attract it. Your task is to think about what it will be and all.

Devote such techniques to 5 minutes a day for a couple of months and your life will change dramatically.