20 week of pregnancy - the first contact with the baby and my mother's feelings

Often for pregnant mothers, the 20th week of pregnancy becomes the most memorable moment - the first movements of the baby are recorded. They have a weak intensity and are few in number. In case of their long absence, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

20 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

This kind of question is of interest to expectant mothers because of different ways of calculating the duration of pregnancy. Doctors always indicate the time limit only in weeks, and the pregnant women themselves are used to counting it for months. It is worth noting that when calculating physicians use simplified schemes: a month is taken equal to 30 days or 4 weeks, regardless of the number of days in a calendar month.

Given this information, a woman can independently count by dividing the number of weeks by 4 to get the pregnancy duration in months. It turns out, 20 week of pregnancy - the last in the fifth month of gestation. 5 month of pregnancy is coming to an end, this is practically the equator of the entire gestational period, which is remarkable for expectant mothers.

20 week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The child in the 20 weeks of pregnancy continues its development in the direction of improving internal organs. By this time, the immune system is ending, so the child is already able to protect itself against certain infections. Skin covers are finally formed, so the skin is not so thin, gradually changing its color from red to pink.

The brain develops actively, going through the last stages of the formation process. Fissures and convolutions are formed. The reproductive system also ends its formation: the mothers form ovaries, ovaries with a large number of primitive ovules. In male toddlers, the external genitalia continue to grow. Eggs at this stage are in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum closer to the time of birth.

20 weeks gestation - fetal size

The height and body weight of the baby continue to increase almost throughout the gestation period. These indicators are the main ones for assessing the infant's physical development. Normally at 20 weeks, the size of the fetus takes the following values: the growth from the coccyx to the crown is 16 cm, and the mass varies between 250-300 grams. It should be noted that these indices have an average value. At their estimation doctors always pay attention to:

Pregnancy 20 weeks - development of the fetus

Thanks to the development of the baby's brain, his skills and abilities are improved. Improves coordination of movements: when performing ultrasound at this time the doctor can notice how the baby can easily catch the umbilical cord, plays with the leg. In addition, babies demonstrate the ability to verbal perception. They hear a mother's speech well, react to it when the mother turns to them: they begin to move more intensively. Doctors recommend more to communicate with the baby when it's 20 weeks - the development of the fetus makes it possible to establish the first contact with him right now.

Twitches at week 20 of pregnancy

Often the fetus on the 20th week of pregnancy for the first time establishes physical contact with the mother - makes its first tremors and perturbations. At this time, this phenomenon is more often noticed by primiparous women. Those who expect the birth of the second and subsequent children can notice the perturbations as early as week 18. However, this is more timid tapping, felt by moms in different ways.

Often, women find it difficult to describe the feelings they experience when they notice the first stirring of the crumbs. Some describe them as fluttering butterflies, others - like a slight tickling, tingling in the lower abdomen. As the period increases, their intensity and frequency will increase. At a later date, according to the perturbations and motor activity of the fetus, the doctors make a conclusion about his state of health. An increase or decrease in the number of perturbations indicates a violation.

What does the fetus look like on the 20th week of pregnancy?

The baby at 20 weeks gestation resembles a newborn. It is still very small, the skin covers have many wrinkles and folds. They are smoothed and disappear as the fetus grows. In this case, the skin gradually begins to become covered with original grease. It is retained by special hair hairs - lanugo, and it is necessary to facilitate the movement of the baby through the birth canal during its appearance.

The face of the skull also changes. The nose and ears have a clear outline. Cilia appear on the eyelids. The kid learns to grimace, showing his discontent or delight. On the surface of the head appear hair. They are still small and not painted, so make the first assumptions about the similarity with mom or dad at this time will not succeed.

20 Week of Pregnancy - What Happens to Mom?

Trying to find out more about the period of 20 weeks of pregnancy, which occurs at this time in the female body, the pregnant woman often treats similar questions to the gynecologist. Doctors pay attention of women to the changed condition of the hormonal background and the consequences of this process. Thus, the mammary gland increases significantly in volume, as a result of which the breast becomes larger. It is poured, the nipples become intense color along with the areola.

In parallel, there is a continuous growth of the genital organ. The walls of the uterus stretch, trying to contain the growing fetus. The bottom of the genital organ rises higher, as a result of which it eventually approaches the diaphragm. Women can feel such changes by worsening of breathing, the appearance of dyspnoea and heartburn. However, when there is a 20 week gestation, this is not yet observed and the pregnant woman feels well.

Pregnancy 20 weeks - development of the fetus and sensation

When the twentieth week of pregnancy comes, the sensations of a future mother overwhelm the observed first movements. In general, the woman feels great: the appetite increases, the manifestations of toxicosis that have occurred completely disappear. However, because of the increased pressure of the uterus on the bladder, the toilet of the future mother has to be visited more often.

20 weeks of pregnancy, some women are remembered for light, compressive sensations in the lower abdomen. They are not painful, but they can discomfort. These are training fights ( Brexton-Hicks ), which are characterized by spontaneous non-rhythmical and unproductive contractions of uterine myometrium. Their feature is a short duration and self-extinction after a change in the position of the body of a pregnant woman. So the body begins to prepare for the forthcoming process of childbirth.

Belly at 20 weeks gestation

The uterus at the 20th week of pregnancy rises even higher. By this point in the normal bottom of the organ is located on the transverse fingers below the navel. As a result of the strong growth of the uterus, the volume of the stomach also increases: friends and others no longer doubt that a woman will soon become a mother. At the same time, its growth is now predominantly in the forward direction.

It happens that at this time pregnant women begin to notice the first stretches on the skin of the stomach. They are few, localized from the sides. To reduce them and prevent the emergence of new ones, doctors recommend using special moisturizing ointments, creams. Exercise of the skin can be done several times a day. Excellent moisturize the skin of natural oils: olive, almond, coconut.

Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy

The twentieth week of pregnancy is often accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, back. This is due to the increased strain on the spine. The change in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen leads to the fact that the gait of the future mother acquires the characteristic features, so the tension in the back and lower back appears later in the evening, after long walks, physical exertion. To relieve the back, you need to refrain from wearing shoes with high heels.

Great concern is caused by pain in the lower abdomen. They may indicate an increased tone of the uterus. This is fraught with complications of the gestation process, among which:

Week 20 - selection

Normally, the period of 20 weeks of pregnancy is not characterized by a change in vaginal discharge. They are still rather plentiful, have a transparent color, a thin consistency, and sometimes a whitish color. The smell is completely absent or weakly expressed and has an acidic hue. Change in color, consistency, volume of vaginal discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy should be the reason for contacting a doctor. This is observed in infections, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Thus there is an additional symptomatology:

Ultrasound at 20 weeks gestation

Precisely determine the sex of the child at 20 weeks of pregnancy can be using the apparatus of ultrasound. However, the original purpose of this study is to eliminate fetal development abnormalities. Doctors assess the indicators of the physical development of the future baby, compare them with the values ​​of the norm. Particular attention is paid to the placenta, the type of its attachment, thickness, the state of uteroplacental blood flow.

20th week of pregnancy - Danger

Even at such a gestation period as 20 weeks, dangers still lie in wait for a woman. Among the most frequent complications of this period is spontaneous abortion. Frozen pregnancy is rare, but it happens, as a consequence of the detachment of a child's place. The risk group for such complications is pregnant women who have: