Polyps in the stomach

Polyp is a descriptive term, which denotes a benign tumor on the stem, regardless of its type and structure. Polyps in the stomach are tumors of epithelial tissue and account for approximately 5% of the total number of stomach tumors. The disease can often be asymptomatic and can be detected by chance, during a survey.

The causes of polyps in the stomach

Factors that may contribute to the development of polyps include helicobacterial infections, chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a hereditary symptom of colon cancer, long-term use of certain drugs.

Types of gastric polyps

Polyps of the stomach are divided into adenomatous and hyperplastic:

  1. Hyperplastic polyps of the stomach represent proliferation of epithelial tissue, so that they are not a true tumor. They occur about 16 times more often than polyps of the second type, and almost never turn into a malignant form.
  2. Adenomatous or glandular polyps of the stomach arise from the proliferation of glandular tissue and with a high degree of probability can be regenerated into stomach cancer. Especially the risk is great in the case of large (more than 2 centimeters) formations.

Symptoms of polyps in the stomach

Quite often, especially when it comes to hyperplastic polyps, the disease can go on for a long time without being noticed. Or, there may be symptoms characteristic of gastritis : heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, stool disorders. With the growth of polyps, they can manifest themselves by the presence of dull pain in the abdomen, painful sensations with pressure, gastric bleeding, the presence of blood in the stool, the difficulty of patency of the stomach. It is also possible to pinch the polyp, in which there is an acute cramping pain under the sternum, which radiates throughout the abdomen.

How to treat polyps in the stomach?

In the initial stages, the disease is often treated with conservative methods, which consist in strict adherence to the patient's diet, taking medications that cover the stomach (to avoid the development of ulcers on the surface of the polyp) and additives that stimulate digestion. If the occurrence of polyps is associated with an inflammatory process, then measures are taken to treat it.

However, in most cases, polyps are treated surgically. There are two options for removing polyps in the stomach: endoscopic and cavitary operation. The first method is used in the case of single formations and a small area of ​​epithelial damage. With multiple polyps or suspected of the possibility of a malignant tumor, a cavitary operation is performed (gastroectomy).

Treatment of polyps of the stomach with folk remedies

  1. One of the most effective means of combating such formations is decoction of celandine . One tablespoon celandine pour two cups of boiling water and insist 2 hours in a thermos. The broth is taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for a month. After a one-week break, the course should be repeated.
  2. Shredded pine needles are poured with vodka or alcohol in a proportion of 1: 9 and insist 16 days, periodically shaking. Take tincture of 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach, for 30 days, then make a monthly break and repeat the course.
  3. In polyps, provoked by gastritis, an effective agent is considered to be the calyx juice, which is recommended to drink half a cup twice a day.

The main thing to remember is that some polyps can eventually turn into cancers. Therefore, only if the polyps do not show a tendency to proliferation, and there is no indication for the operation, they can be tried to get rid of them with the help of traditional medicine.