Women's winter boots without a heel

Shoes at low speed are in fact for winter not only very comfortable, but also quite safe. At the same time, the model range provided each year by manufacturers is so diverse that it does not stand comparison with felt boots. Conditionally, all winter boots without a heel can be divided along the length into shortened, medium and high. Choose the one or the other best, based on their destination.

Models of women's winter boots without a heel

  1. Short winter boots without a heel . Usually their height fluctuates in the region of +/- 5 centimeters from the middle of the calf. These include "uggs" - soft, sheepskin boots with a suede outer part, and also "moonwalkers" - boots, which some time ago pressed the ugg boots. "Lunokhods" are winter sports shoes with a massive (possibly blown) windproof and waterproof top and a warm "toe" inside. Both of them, of course, are more suitable for walks on a day off than for going to work. As for the working days, then more appropriate will be leather models or suede models. The advantage of shortened boots is that any trousers fit into them without problems - not only skinnels, but also "pipes" or "cigarettes". With what to wear winter boots without a heel of this length is not worth it, so it is with short skirts or dresses - even the most beautiful and slender legs, underlined by the wide boot top, will look unnaturally thin.
  2. Long winter boots without a heel . This category includes all classic models with a length up to the knee. Depending on the structure of your legs, the growth and prevailing in the wardrobe of things, choose:
  • High winter boots without heels or boots. The model, which goes behind the knee, can not be worn by all women. To high boots did not look worn, the top should be "calm". Suitable are all the same tight trousers or leggings, a dress of free style, a skirt-sun.