Salo in brine - a very delicious recipe

Salo, as you know, is one of the oldest products with its history and culture, not only cooking, but also eating. He was compulsorily supplied to the Roman army under the emperor Justinian, and this was done legally. And we will tell you, on the example of two recipes, how to deliciously saline the fat in the brine.

A very delicious recipe for salting in brine



Lard salting always begins with his choice and purchase. To get the most delicious fat in the brine, never hesitate to smell the product you purchased. Try to break the skin, it should break with ease. If the fat is closer to a dense jelly than to the usual dense piece, then it's fresh bacon, with a freshly chopped pig, but you still need to sniff it. This very fresh bacon can not be salted immediately, nothing good will turn out, it should be kept in the refrigerator for two to five days. Then the fat should be thoroughly washed and preferably scraped off from all sides, do not forget to check the skin for bristles, if it is, it must be removed. After that, cut lard into portions, which you will conveniently put in a jar and take out of it, and in the future it is convenient to cut it for serving on the table, without cutting this piece into pieces for cutting. Part of garlic cut into narrow oblong lobules, after a narrow knife that is closer to the bayonet, make punctures in lumps of fat and peep garlic. In a saucepan pour water, pour salt there, spices (except rosemary), as well as ½ part of the remaining garlic cut into large pieces and boil, letting boil for five minutes. Then put the remaining garlic, this time, finely chopped and cook for another minute. In the bank, put lard, shifting it with rosemary, tearing the twig into parts and pour already cooled, but still warm brine. And after three or five days, take the fat out of the brine, dry it and pack each piece separately in parchment paper or food foil. It is stored in the refrigerator, but fans of frozen fat can store in the freezer. Now you know the recipe how to salted salo in a brine in a jar.

Salo in hot brine - the most delicious recipe



Wash the fat very well, scrape it off each side to ensure its cleanliness and absence of foreign objects (chips, bristles) and check the skin on the bristles. Slice it in portions, so that when you cut it, you do not cut a piece, but cut it immediately. If you want already chopped pieces can stuff with garlic. In the saucepan pour the water, pour there 7 tablespoons of salt, all not ground spices, chopped garlic and boil, boiling a couple of minutes. Salo lay one layer in enameled a wide saucepan and pour hot brine, place a dish and a large plate on top and put it under the press. When the dishes with lard cool, send it to a cool place, or even better in the fridge. After a lapse of three days, take the fat and dry it. From the remaining salt, garlic and ground spices make a mixture, not forgetting, of course cut the plates with garlic. Roll in this mixture of lard or grate it with it, after having wrapped each piece in a food film and sending it for a day to the freezer. After this, lard each piece separately in parchment paper and store in the refrigerator. Here's another recipe for a tasty salo in brine.