Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter - the best recipes for delicious and original home-made spins

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter - the most popular harvest. Each householder mistress finds a special charm in such a multifunctional conservation. For someone it is a way to save banks and a place on storage shelves, and someone likes to feed the households with tasty and crunchy vegetables, giving everyone the opportunity to choose their favorite one.

How to close the assortment of cucumbers and tomatoes?

Assorted cucumbers with tomatoes for the winter - recipes that allow you not to spend extra energy, save time and at the same time prepare a lot of tasty preserves. Moreover, the method of double filling without sterilization and canning with sterilization are equally technological, good-quality, simple, convenient and equally chosen by the hostesses.

  1. A delicious assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers will come only from fresh and quality vegetables. When choosing tomatoes, it is better to give preference to small and equal in size fruits.
  2. Before you put a cucumber in a jar, you must stand in cold water for about three hours.
  3. For assorted vegetables should be taken in equal parts.
  4. The most convenient volume of canning - 2 and 3-liter cans. They are convenient to lay and get vegetables.

Marinating cucumbers with tomato platter for the winter

Marinade for assorted tomato and cucumber is the main ingredient that determines the taste, aroma and shelf life of the billet. Traditionally, the brine is made from water, vinegar, salt and sugar. For sharpness and spice, the herb, roots and spices are put in the jar, helping even with a standard food set to prepare a unique crunchy preservation.



  1. Put vegetables and spices in a jar.
  2. Boil the salt and sugar in the water, add the vinegar and remove from the plate.
  3. Pour the assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with a hot brine and sterilize for 15 minutes.

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers in Bulgarian style

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers are popular with many Slavs, but only Bulgarian housewives are able to develop a recipe widely known. The secret is in a special marinade, whose correct proportions make the vegetables crispy and tender, and turn the brine into a fragrant juice that can be drunk or used as a refueling.



  1. Cook the marinade from water, salt and sugar.
  2. Pour them vegetables, add the vinegar.
  3. Sterilize the assorted Bulgarian from tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter 15 minutes.

Assorted with croissants and tomatoes

Those who want to diversify the habitual conservation in a colorful and original way can prepare assorted patissons , tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, the nearest "relative" of the courgette is a patisson, it is perfectly combined with vegetables, and when interacting with the marinade it acquires an exquisite mushroom taste, which perfectly complements the workpiece.



  1. Put spices and vegetables in a jar.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Water pour into a saucepan, add salt, vinegar and sugar, boil and pour the vegetables.
  4. Sterilize the assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter 20 minutes.

Assorted cauliflower of cucumbers and tomatoes

Many housewives are unaware that the assortment of assorted with cabbage , cucumbers and tomatoes has different versions. Replacing white cabbage on a color cabbage, you can buy an attractive and useful piece. Colored - contains many vitamins, is easily digested and even in a pickled form is recommended for gastric diseases.



  1. Place vegetables and seasonings in a jar, pour the contents with boiling water and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Water pour into a separate container, add sugar, salt and cook.
  3. Fill the workpiece with boiling marinade and vinegar, and sterilize for 15 minutes.

Assorted zucchini tomatoes and cucumbers

The recipe of assorted cucumbers and tomatoes has no restrictions in the choice of vegetables. More often experienced cooks use zucchini, which have a lot of advantages. They are available, cheap, easy to prepare, do not dissonant with tomatoes and cucumbers, perfectly absorb the juices and flavors, which are priceless qualities in the process of pickling.



  1. Put the vegetables and spices in a jar.
  2. Fill the workpiece with a hot marinade with salt and sugar.
  3. Add the vinegar and sterilize for 10 minutes.

Assorted tomato cucumbers and peppers

Many housewives still believe that the preparation of assorted tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers is the simplest and most convenient way to get a good home billet. After a delicious trio gives an excellent opportunity to assess the taste and aroma of several vegetables at once, which is practical for those families in which everyone has their preferences.



  1. Put vegetables and spices in a jar.
  2. Pour the contents twice with boiling water.
  3. Add sugar, salt and vinegar, pour boiling water and roll.

Sweet variety of cucumbers and tomatoes

The recipe for preserving assorted cucumbers and tomatoes is varied with options and allows you to play with some ingredients. So, by increasing the amount of sugar, you can get a fragrant preservation, sweet taste of which is especially in demand when making salads, and simply as a spicy and original food.



  1. Put the vegetables and spices in a jar.
  2. Pour salt, sugar and pour for 15 minutes with boiling water.
  3. Fuse the water.
  4. Repeat the procedure twice.
  5. For the third time in the assorted sweet tomato and cucumber for the winter, add the vinegar and roll it.

Recipe for salted assorted tomato and cucumber

You can feel the crunch of light-salted vegetables not only in summer, but in the cold season, thanks to the simple technology of pickling. With her assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter will acquire an excellent taste, will preserve the natural freshness and aroma. To do this, put the vegetables in a regular pickle, give a few days to brew, sterilize and roll.



  1. Pour the vegetables with cold brine.
  2. Leave the blank in the heat for 3 days.
  3. Cover the salted assortment of cucumbers and tomatoes with a lid and sterilize for 30 minutes.

Assorted cucumber and cherry tomato

The most delicious assortment of cucumbers and tomatoes is obtained only from quality, fresh, identical in size and form of vegetables. Miniature cherry is an excellent example. They are incredibly tasty, attractive in appearance, perfectly adjacent to cucumbers, and their convenient feeding "in the teeth" is quite consistent with the traditions of Russian feasts.



  1. Pour the vegetables with a hot marinade from salt and sugar.
  2. Add the vinegar and roll it.