Dwarf hamsters

Dwarf hamsters are nimble animals, similar to mice. They do not grow more than 5 cm in length, and, naturally, are more brisk and mobile than their counterparts. Also care for ordinary and dwarf hamsters is different.

The most famous among dwarf hamsters is the Dzhungar hamster. He has a gray skin and small growth. This variety of hamsters is very fond of attention and communication, so it is not suitable for those who spend little time at home.

Often there are dwarf hamsters Taylor and hamsters Campbell. The Taylor hamster is gray, the Campbell hamster is brown, and the Roborovsky hamster is sand. The weight of these "kids" does not exceed 50 g.

Care for dwarf hamsters

A few tips for caring:

  1. A small hamster is a big cage! Cages for dwarf hamsters should be spacious, the same as in ordinary hamsters. This is due to their mobility. Strong bars of the cage will ensure the safety of the hamster.
  2. At the bottom of the cage, small sawdust can be spread. Hamsters love to bury and rest in them. From the sawdust the hamster makes himself a bed and climbs into it if it becomes cold.
  3. It is desirable to organize a bath with sand. The hamster-cleaner will look after her in her fur coat. Dwarf hamsters can not be bathed.
  4. To the hamster is not lazy, he needs a wheel with a smooth path. And of course, a hamster needs a house, a drinking bowl, a feeder.
  5. Before feeding a dwarf hamster, you need to remove the food from the previous meal from the food trough.
  6. Dwarf hamsters, despite their height and weight - gluttons. They have a fast metabolism. Prefer hamsters grain, fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds, grass, fish, insects. Watch what your dwarf hamsters eat - food should be varied. For the reproduction and development of dwarf hamsters, animal protein is needed.
  7. Zverushki differ cleanliness, the cage can be cleaned once a week. In this case, you need to change the sawdust completely and clean the house of stocks "for a rainy day." Hamsters are washed with hind legs, combed with claws.
  8. How many dwarf hamsters live in your home - depends only on you. Usually, the life of a hamster is 2 years. Obligatory consultation with a veterinarian, the prevention of certain diseases.

Since caring for a dwarf hamster is quite easy, some rodent lovers start several individuals. Especially well coexist with each other hamsters Robovsky, but they are more difficult to breed.

Dwarf hamsters live well in captivity, reproduce at home, bringing 6-12 cubs. Hamsters do not like noise, because they have a sharp ear. Their vision is weak and they recognize the objects by smell. Hamsters quickly tamed, they can be let out to walk around the apartment, but finding them later is quite difficult. The hamster does not do much harm in itself, but it can be chewed. So it's better to walk around the walk guard valternik and let your little friend quietly frolic there.

If a hamster is bought to a child, it is important to warn the child that it is necessary to handle the animal very carefully, the early days do not frighten him. It is necessary to teach how to take care of a pet, then the hamster will respond with reciprocity, devotion and affection. A tamed hamster loves, when they communicate with him, let him take a walk, take him in his arms, stroke him, a hamster can even fall asleep on his palm. Without attention, on the contrary, animals are bored.

There are few people who do not evoke these little ones. Buying a dwarf hamster, you do not buy a toy, but an amazing, kind, unpretentious pet.