Grouboks own hands

Grouboks is a structure similar to a greenhouse , the purpose of which is to grow plants using the method of hydroponics. But it has certain features in comparison with the ordinary greenhouse, which must be taken into account in its equipment. Many plant growers prefer not to spend the cost of the ready-made device, since the growbox can be made by hand.

How to make a growbox with your own hands?

For the manufacture of home growbox adapt closets, old non-working refrigerators or system units. In addition, the body can be made from ordinary sheets of chipboard, collecting a box of the necessary size from them. To do this, you need to designate its intended parameters, which include:

In addition, you need the following parts:

Having defined the dimensions, you can choose the right substrate for the body or make it from sheets of particle board. The bottom of the structure should be made with cut circles, in which pots will be installed. Inside, the space is glued with foil in such a way that its matte part is on the outside. Another option would be to use a white film - oracle.

The production scheme of the growbox assumes the following points:

  1. Ventilation system . It can differ depending on the type of crops grown and be natural and compulsory. For some plants, it will be sufficient to drill several holes in the body through which air will circulate. In small-sized growers you can install computer coolers. Fans put in an amount of two pieces: one goes to the influx of air, and the other - to the outflow.
  2. Lighting . It is provided with the help of lamps for growbox. To install the system use one or two fluorescent lights (the amount depends on the size of the structure). They are fixed at the top of the wall or on the ceiling of the case. An important point to consider is the lamp's power and its distance to the plants. Here it is necessary to maintain optimal indicators, since the development of crops is adversely affected by both the excess and the lack of lighting. Excess will lead to the fact that the leaves will burn, and the disadvantage - to their poor development. In addition, light should not be delivered around the clock, since plants need night mode. This can be achieved with a timer that will turn the lamp on and off at the right time.
  3. Temperature and humidity . To very important nuances is the question: what temperature should be in the growbox? If it is very high, it will lead to the combustion of plants. It is also important to maintain the optimum moisture regime to prevent rotting crops. Controlling these processes will help you install a thermometer and a hygrometer inside the growbox.

Thus, making a grower with your own hands is not particularly difficult. You can make the necessary design taking into account all the features of growing certain types of plants.