Why do lice have a different person?

Yes, unpleasant dreams are, of course, a problem. An unpleasant dream will fall asleep - and all day in black. Here though the same lice , and on a kind opposite, and consequences of stings unpleasant. Seeing a louse in a dream, of course, wants to know what they're dreaming about.

Why do lice and nits?

Interpreters of dreams do not have a common opinion on this issue.

Most believe that lice dream about illness. Although not always, but only if they are many and they are on their heads. And still this dream can be to trouble, especially when there are a lot of them.

Other possible variants of the interpretation of lice and fleas: to replenish the family, to quarrel with friends, to the flu, to useless efforts, to financial losses, to financial success, to respect and honor, to dirty gossip, to drunkenness, to poverty , to dishonorable deed and poor harvest year (the right, apparently, to emphasize). But such a number of predictions - it's not bad, you can always choose something to your taste. For example, the optimist will assume that he is waiting for a financial rise, and a pessimist is a runny nose.

Nits are usually seen before some success, especially if they were killed in a dream. But there are also cheerless options: nits are like obstacles on the way to riches and other pleasant things. So in a dream, as in reality, do not leave the nits alive.

Lice in a foreign head

True, most of the interpreters believe that lice in someone else's head are dreaming about something more pleasant than in their own. Foreign lice worry less. Some commentators even consider that the more lice in a foreign head, the more happiness will be in the future. Well if it only applies to dreams. In real life, to communicate with a man who has a lot of lice, and unpleasant, and dangerous, there is no happiness here.

Lice in the child's head, in the opinion of most interpreters, dream of something unpleasant: either to a quarrel, or to illness, or to troubles, or, finally, to a rich harvest (?!).

A more refined version of what lice and fleas are dreamed of, said Monethetti. He believes that blood-sucking insects warn a person about having an energy vampire next to him. Say, the subconscious, thus, hints at the danger.

In principle, a decent version. The fact that the subconscious turns through dreams is hardly possible to challenge (and is there any point to dispute?). Lice are associated in a person with some abomination that drinks his blood, and if he feels any such relation to himself from someone around him (that's bloodsuckers!), He can quite possibly see it in a dream in such a image. This is even in many ways consistent with the options of slandering friends and quarreling with them. It's another matter that it's not at all a fact that all this is true. Maybe no one drinks blood and does not want evil, just because of bad mood. You can not give free rein to emotions!

It is worth mentioning the opinion of the most famous specialist in the subconscious - Freud. He, as always, in his repertoire. According to Freud, the lice are dreaming of a man, who decided to change the style of his sexual life: from no to some. That is, in other words, so subliminal sexual dissatisfaction is manifested.

Sleep is a subconscious area. Here all laws are distorted. The depths of the subconscious are a dangerous subject of investigation and a mystery that will hardly ever be revealed. Perhaps dreams are the advice that the subconscious gives. But, to follow them, if it is, then with the utmost caution. We must not forget that the subconscious area is also the region of the unconscious, the region of the irrational. And to live all the same it is, coordinating actions with reason, but not with the subconscious. So the question of what makes a louse's dreams of another person, it's better not to guess, but to thoroughly wash your head.