Gnojnichki at newborns

The skin of the newborn is still very thin, with the absence of the necessary layer of subcutaneous tissue. It is susceptible to attack by bacteria from the outside and in many is characterized by imperfection of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. All these features can provoke the appearance of pustules on the head and body of the newborn. In some cases, they do not require any treatment and go after only a few weeks, while in others, they can lead to serious illnesses.

Causes of pustules in newborns

To the main reasons for the appearance of purulent inflammation on the skin of infants, note:

Types of pustules in newborns

Conventionally, rashes on the skin in infants in the form of pustules can be divided into toxic and pathological.

  1. Pustuluses of the first type are a consequence of a hormonal crisis (also called flowering of newborns ) or increased work of the sebaceous glands. The main symptom is pustules on the face of the child, resembling teenage pimples with pus the size of a small pinhead. Special treatment such pustules do not require and with proper care pass independently.
  2. To pathological pustules carry the formation of bacterial origin. In addition to the acne itself, changes occur to the skin around them. So, pustules can appear on the face of newborns or on the body, burst and grow into rapidly eroding erosion. They can also have the appearance of small blisters, the skin around which exfoliates like a burn. Pathological pustules are a disease that requires medical treatment.

Treatment of pustules

When the first pustules appear on the skin, it is necessary to consult a specialist, to exclude the presence of serious diseases.

If the suspicion of a so-called physiological rash of newborns is confirmed, no medication is required. Treatment of abscesses in newborns in this case consists in permanent, proper skin care. To do this, all the inflamed places in the morning and evening are washed with warm boiled water, and in no case are ripped off. The skin should be wiped with a soft towel with soothing movements. You can also bathe the child in weak herbal decoctions, soothing inflammation, for example, in a decoction of chamomile.

When the skin disease is mild, the specialist prescribes antibacterial ointments. If the condition is of medium severity or severe, the child is hospitalized.