Weather Calendar for Schoolchildren

Primary school students are offered to keep a weather calendar for studying the basics of natural history and getting to know the surrounding world.

How to make a weather calendar?

To begin with, you need to decide how it will be more convenient for you to keep the weather calendar for students: in a notebook, with a symbol or on a computer, using a special program. To maintain the calendar, you will need more items such as a thermometer, a weather vane and a compass. If you still decide to write the data in a notebook, then draw it into 6 columns and sign them:

And you can just print on a color printer such a sheet and make the data there using the legend.

Temperature and atmospheric pressure

Keeping the weather calendar, requires the daily participation of the student, and it is desirable to produce records at the same time (for example, at one o'clock in the day). The air temperature in the street can be determined with a conventional thermometer, which is hung out of the window. Only it is worth noting, if at the time of data collection, the thermometer is located on the sunny side, the readings may differ slightly from the actual ones. Calculate the average temperature during the day. To do this, you need to take the thermometer readings in the morning, afternoon and evening, fold them and divide by three. The result will be the average daily temperature.

To measure atmospheric pressure, you will need a barometer.

Strength and direction of the wind

Observation of the weather, for schoolchildren, is always an interesting and fascinating activity. After all, how entertaining it is for children to observe the direction of the smoke emerging from the pipes of houses and using a compass, to determine the direction of the wind and its force according to the Beaufort scale. By making such observations, they can present themselves as real meteorologists. The direction of the wind can still be determined using a wind vane, if any. Mark also the nature of the wind (smooth or gusty).


Observing cloudiness, it is worthwhile to focus on the presence or absence of lumens. If the sky is clear and you can not see a single cloud, put a dash in the corresponding column. With a small amount of clouds, mark "Cloudy" and stroke the circle in half. And the sky is covered with clouds, designate as "Cloudy" and completely shade the circle.

Precipitation and humidity

In the column "Precipitation", enter all information about the type of precipitation and their intensity (heavy rain, light snow). In the absence of precipitation, a dash is placed. Also observe all the phenomena of nature that caused your interest (thunderstorm, fog, rainbow) and mark in the column "Special phenomena". Humidity can be measured with a hygrometer.

If you do not have any measuring instrument and you can not determine one or more parameters (for example: humidity or atmospheric pressure), use the weather station's data, see the weather forecast on the Internet or on TV. But it is desirable to try to avoid this method, if possible, better get yourself the necessary measuring instrument, especially since they are not so expensive. Note that for schoolchildren not to set a goal to regularly look at the weather forecast, but the task is to observe the weather, collect the necessary data and analyze them.

Calendar on the computer

To maintain a weather diary for a student on a computer, there are various services that make this process even more fun and informative. In this case, the student only enters the necessary information into a special program that processes and preserves it. Such programs are supplemented with various information. So, for example, a child can get acquainted with some signs, the longitude of the day and the phases of the moon. In the future, all collected data are generated in a monthly report, which includes statistical data on weather changes in comparison with the previous month.