The incubation period of ARVI

Influenza virus, penetrating the human body, does not immediately make itself felt. Therefore, in order to timely detect the first symptoms and start treatment, it is advisable to understand how much the incubation period of ARVI is, how to determine this condition and what measures can be taken at the very beginning of infection. In addition, it will help prevent the infection of surrounding people.

What is the incubation period for influenza and ARVI in adults?

It should be noted that there are many varieties of acute respiratory-viral infections, the type of which depends on the etiology and timing of the development of clinical symptoms. The most common among them:

As a rule, all these subtypes of the disease under consideration are similar in features that characterize the acute intoxication of the organism:

But often there is a mixture of various clinical manifestations, which further provokes the emergence of secondary infectious complications in the form of catarrhalic tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Moreover, the development of these diseases can occur directly during the incubation period of acute respiratory infections. In such cases, it is believed that immediately after infection with the virus in the body, intensive multiplication of pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria began.

How many days is infected with ARVI?

Since the virus enters the body, the person is its carrier, respectively, can infect others, even if the obvious symptoms have not yet appeared. Usually, the flu and other types of described ailment begin quickly and acutely, within 1-3 days, but with strong immunity defenses the incubation can last about a week.

It is worth noting that a patient with acute respiratory infections is contagious throughout the course of the course of the pathology until all cells of the virus in his body die. This means that even with persistent improvements, a drop in body temperature to normal values ​​and elimination of external symptoms of influenza, a person still remains a carrier of the disease and can be dangerous for others, because ARVI is transmitted easily - by airborne droplets.

How long does the incubation period of ARI and ARVI last?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between these two diseases.

In acute respiratory infections, there is a local lesion, most often - the respiratory tract, without a significant increase in temperature (rarely exceeds 38 degrees). The disease progresses slowly and does not spread to other organs, the symptoms of intoxication are either weak or not pronounced at all.

Influenza and SARS are characterized by a sharp, intense onset, with a rapid onset of signs of ailment. In addition, these pathologies cause several groups of clinical manifestations at once:

The main difference between the considered respiratory diseases is that the cause of acute respiratory viral infection is necessarily a viral infection, and the patient is contagious for a long period of time, whereas ORZ these qualities are not inherent.

The incubation period of influenza, as already indicated, is short, and in ARI it can be up to 14 days. In this case, the condition of the victim is relatively normal, and the temperature increase is sometimes or completely absent, or reaches a low-grade value.