Lemon juice for hair

Among the many products used in the care of curls, the person takes a lemon. Thanks to the content of a huge number of trace elements and vitamins, lemon juice for hair gives them life and brilliance, allowing you to cope with many problems.

Rinsing hair with lemon juice

The use of rinse aid helps restore shine to the dull and lifeless ringlets and solve the problems of the scalp. To combat dandruff, the following composition is recommended:

  1. A peel of four lemon fruits is boiled in water (liter).
  2. At the end of fifteen minutes, the fire is turned off and the composition is filtered.
  3. Apply to rinse every seven days.

Rinsing hair with lemon juice diluted with a decoction of burdock roots is recommended to strengthen the curls, as well as to treat itching and dandruff.

Against fat content use such a tool:

  1. A mixture of ayr and burdock roots (six spoonfuls) is insisted in boiling water (three glasses) and diluted with lemon juice (half a glass).
  2. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin or used as a rinse aid.

Lemon juice for shine of hair simply plant in water. One liter will require the juice of one fruit. The product is washed with hair.

Clarity of hair with lemon juice

To obtain a light shade, the lemon can be used in various forms:

  1. When washing the head, mix shampoo with lemon oil.
  2. Juice of two lemon fruits is diluted with water (liter) and washed with a solution of hair. To achieve the best result, you need to go out into the sun.
  3. The juice is mixed with vodka in an equal proportion, applied to the hair and leaves under direct sunlight.

Since lemon juice is a rather aggressive substance, it can adversely affect the condition of the hair. The acid contained in the fruit dries the hair, therefore it is recommended to use additional moisturizing and nourishing products after the procedures. For clarifying brittle hair to this method is better not to resort to.

Lemon juice for oily hair

The use of lemon is to regulate the production of sebum, the elimination of itching in seborrhea and the maintenance of an acidic environment that prevents the spread of microbes.

For treatment, it is advised to wipe the scalp every two days with a mixture of lemon juice (two spoons) with vodka (half cup).

Effectively use the following mask:

  1. Yolk eggs are mixed with aloe juice and lemon fruit.
  2. The prepared composition lubricates the skin of the head and is applied to curls.
  3. After thirty minutes, rinse.