In his youth, Bradley Cooper wrote an article for the Philadelphia Daily News about a novel with a best friend

43-year-old Bradley Cooper, who became famous for his roles in the tapes "The Scam in American" and "My Guy is a psycho," now a famous actor. However, at his age of 18, Bradley dreamed of another career. At this young age, Cooper tried himself as a journalist, some of whose articles were published in the press.

Bradley Cooper

Bradley told about the novel with Deborah Landes

A few days ago, the newspaper Philadelphia Daily News, which was released in May 1993, fell into the hands of journalists. It was published a photo of a young Cooper with his beloved girl Deborah Landes. Next to her was a text that contained these words:

"I think that those who are friends with the opposite sex, now they understand me. Imagine, you are friends for a long time, and then just cross the line. Sometimes this happens unconsciously, but you understand that there will be no return. At some point, you understand that she looks at you in no way at a friend, but as a beloved man. To be honest, at a time when this happened to me, I began to hate myself. Thank God we are now all right, because we are always sexually attracted to each other. For many years of friendship, we tried to suppress this feeling, but over time, the desire prevailed. Now we are together and enjoy every minute. I understand perfectly well that we do not have that much time, and very soon we will go to college. I'm not sure that we will be able to keep our feelings when we are away from each other. I think that we will become good friends again. "

After such an unexpected news about Bradley's career preferences at the age of 18, the fans wrote many unusual posts on social networks addressed to the famous actor: "I do not know what kind of journalist it would have turned out, but the writer would have definitely come out. Well, is not this a story for a melodrama? "," I did not know that Bradley dreamed of becoming a journalist. As for me, the demanded actor is much better "," I have always admired Cooper and am glad that he did not become a journalist. From this note it is difficult to say whether he has a talent in writing texts or not, but the news was quite astonishing, "etc.

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Now Cooper is happy with Irina Sheik

Judging by the way Bradley Cooper lived, Deborah Landes was no longer there. In 2006, the famous actor was married to Jennifer Esposito, but the marriage lasted only 4 months. In the summer of 2009 it became known that Cooper meets with Renee Zellweger. Their relationship lasted almost 2 years. In 2012, Bradley met with actress Zoya Saldana, and immediately after breaking off the relationship with her for 2 years was the beloved model of Sookie Waterhouse. Now Cooper is in a relationship with the model Irina Sheik, which began in the spring of 2015. Now the couple is raising a daughter, Leia, who was born in the spring of 2017.

Bradley Cooper and Irina Sheik