Plus-size model Tess Holliday waits for a child

The largest professional model in the world, Tess Holliday, said that she was going to become a mother again. The father of her second child is her boyfriend Nick Holliday. A joyous event should occur in July.

Revelations of Tess

The celebrity, wearing a 22-piece dress (approximately 60th Russian), told the press that her pregnancy was not planned, but it does not make her less expectant for the baby.

The first son of Riley (he is now 10 years old) Tess gave birth in 20 years. Then Holliday was young and did not appreciate the joyful moments that motherhood brings. Now, according to the gorgeous beauty, she will treat everything quite differently.

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The current lover

With his namesake Australian Nick Holliday Tess, weighing 155 kilograms with a height of 160 centimeters, there are four years. The couple met on the Internet. Despite the lack of a stamp in the passport, her fiance became a real father for Riley.

Nick admitted that he would like to have another tomboy, but while the little one does not want to disclose his sex to curious parents.