The law of double cases

All of us have to do repetitive actions - go to work, cook food, do cleaning and so on. There is nothing strange about this, but sometimes it happens that unusual things are repeated, seemingly without our participation. Mystics say that this works the law of twin cases. Let's see what kind of law this is and whether it is worth to be afraid of getting under its influence.

The official science of pair theory

Do not think that this law is believed only by strange people spending time with crystal balls, many skeptical people reflect on the existence of the law of twin cases. For example, many physicians are faced with such an event: they receive a patient with a rare or complex disease, and after a while there is another such severe patient. Or something strange happens to a person, perhaps some negative event - theft, accident, and soon the same thing repeats, under similar circumstances. In such situations, even those who believe only facts, denying the existence of an invisible world, will think about the law of a doubled case.

The philosopher of the Renaissance Pico of the Mirandola affair, believed coincidence to be a confirmation of his theory of the unity of the world. In his opinion, everything in is part of a whole, periodically disintegrating and reuniting. Thomas Hobbes believed that such coincidences are natural, and we can not explain and predict them because we do not see the whole picture. A. Schopenhauer also denied the coincidence of such coincidences, considering them a consequence of world harmony, leading to the intersection of human destinies.

Psychologist K. Jung and physicist V. Pauli tried to explain this phenomenon, but did not succeed. All the outstanding scientists could find out - the coincidences observed in the theory of twin cases occur according to the universal universal principle, which unites all the physical processes. It was difficult for scientists to describe this principle in detail. Since then, official science has not put forward assumptions about the elements of this theory. Let's see what occult sciences say about this.

The law of doubled cases is another explanation

From the point of view of people who believe in the non-material structure of the world, the pair cases can be explained quite simply. The whole point is that we we can all program our lives, but by ignorance we do it unconsciously. It's all about thought forms - imaginary variants of the development of events, backed up by emotion. As soon as an unusual event occurs, especially unpleasant, it worries us and frightens us. We begin to think hard about it, fear that it will happen again. Thoughts about the event plus fear, and the current thought form is ready. Now it remains only to wait for the repetition of what happened. It is for this reason that we are so often told that we need to keep under control not only our words, but our own thoughts. Think about the good - and the troubles in your life will become much less.