Natural carpets

Modern carpets can be made of several different natural materials. Let's consider some of them:

Any of these types of natural carpets will perfectly fit on the floor, thanks to their increased wear-resistant qualities.

Carpet of natural wool

A traditional floor-standing natural carpet is a product made of wool . This carpet has a lot of advantages, it increases the sound insulation in the room, pleasant and soft to the touch, provides heat, even if the apartment has cold floors.

Along with the above advantages, woolen carpets have disadvantages. Such a product can become a source of allergic reactions in people living in the apartment, especially in children, so before you buy a children's natural carpet made of wool, you should make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction in the child.

Modern woolen carpets are produced with some acrylic, this combination is quite practical, the product is easier to clean, its service life is increased.