Cheese cream soup - recipe

Soups are good not only as a first dinner dish. In different countries, people of different nations prepare soups from a wide variety of foods and gladly eat them at different times of the day. A special group of dishes - cheese soups, it is believed that the general idea and practice of their preparation was formed and developed in European countries (namely, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium), in those areas where traditionally historically developed cheesemaking.

How to cook a cream cheese soup?

Basic principles

Simple and hearty cheese cream soup with cream and potatoes - recipe



Cook the peeled potatoes in a small amount of water, make a puree from it and dilute the broth to the consistency of the liquid sour cream.

In a separate saucepan, on the weakest fire, bring to a boil the cream and add grated cheese. We melt cheese in cream with continuous stirring for about 8 minutes, after which we combine cheese creamy cream with potato paste. Consistency can be regulated by adding potato broth. Season with spices and olive oil, pour into soup cups, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic. We will serve the crackers separately, each will be put in the soup in the desired quantity. Good dish for breakfast or lunch.

In the second half of the day, "fast" carbohydrates are undesirable (including dishes with potatoes), so we select vegetables with a high content of vegetable fibers for the preparation of cheese cream soup.

Cheese cream soup with salmon and cream - recipe for the afternoon



We will cut the sweet pepper into small squares, we will disassemble the broccoli into small cots. Place the vegetables in a small saucepan with a whole peeled onion and bay leaves, pour 250 ml of water and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Bulb and laurel leaves. Broccoli and chunks of pepper are extracted with a whisk, slightly cooled and we rub with a blender.

In the broth, left in the saucepan after cooking vegetables, lay the fish cut into small pieces, add grated cheese, pour in the cream. Boil after boiling for 3-8 minutes. We return the souped vegetables. Pour into soup cups, season with ground spices, sprinkle with crushed herbs and garlic.

In the composition of this soup, you can also include 200 grams of zucchini or pumpkin, these ingredients are also cooked together with the rest of the vegetables and purried. Even in the composition of this soup, you can include a separately harvested young string bean (do not need to be puffed).

We serve rye bread for this soup.