Greenhouse for seedlings

Spring is the time to start seeding, it's time to grow seedlings . And there are a lot of difficulties, because even in the warmest regions there are frosts. To protect seedlings from unfavorable conditions, many gardeners create a greenhouse for seedlings. Unlike the greenhouse , there is no heating in it, which means that it will not be possible to grow vegetables all year round here. In addition, the device has large dimensions. So, we'll tell you how to make a greenhouse for seedlings.

Frameless greenhouse for seedlings

On your own site you can build one of several options. The simplest is frameless. For such a home greenhouse for seedlings, you do not need special skills. Initially, the seeds are sown in the soil, after which a film or a nonwoven material is stretched onto the surface of the soil. And it is important that the beds covered the beds freely, without stretching. The edges of the material must be fixed with bricks, timber or stones. Ventilation of seedlings is made by opening one of the sides of the film.

In this greenhouse you can grow seedlings up to 20-30 cm tall. On cold nights, use plastic bottles with hot water. They are placed between the bushes of seedlings.

Skeleton Tunnel Greenhouse for seedlings

If there is a need to grow seedlings under shelter for a long time, up to the state of an adult plant, it is recommended to establish a tunnel greenhouse. Its basis is considered to be the frame. The frame can have various shapes, for example, semi-oval, triangular, rectangular. The simplest and best option is the use of metal or polypropylene pipes. They are installed in the soil in the form of arcs not more than a meter in height at a distance of 1-1.5 from each other. For stability, they are fastened together by a horizontal pipe in the upper part of the arc. Then on the frame put on and fix the film. In such a hotbed it is very convenient to water, weed and loosen the soil.

Of the boards and beams create a triangular frame, which is attached to vertical posts.

It is better, if a foundation pit is prepared for a skeleton greenhouse, then a frame-foundation made of boards or metal will be installed. The frame is attached to it much stronger. Due to this in the case of a strong wind, the frame will not fly off, and all this will not affect the condition of the seedling.

Portable greenhouse for seedlings

A portable greenhouse is a box with opening doors on top. The main advantage of this type of greenhouse is its mobility, that is, at any time you can transfer it to another place. Created in small dimensions, such a greenhouse for seedlings is also used on the balcony.

In the beginning of work it is necessary to find the material for the greenhouse for seedlings. Experienced truck farmers recommend using boards or bars. A greenhouse of them is easier to "relocate" to another place. In addition, it is easier to attach doors to a tree.

So, to make a greenhouse you will need:

So, let's move on to how to make a greenhouse for seedlings:

  1. Of the boards you must put together a box of greenhouse. It is recommended that its southern side be lower than the northern side. Thanks to this, solar heat will fall evenly on the seedlings.
  2. After the base of the greenhouse is ready, it's time to move on to securing the door-window. For a small greenhouse, only one window is sufficient for ventilation, it is more efficient to prepare at least two for the overall one. By means of hinges and screws, the windows are attached to the side that is higher. Can be fixed to the sides, then the window will open to the side.
  3. To install such a portable greenhouse, prepare a suitable foundation of bricks.

At the end of the season, such a hotbed is washed and dried, then transferred to a storage room for storage for the winter.