How do you like the man-Cancer?

Cancer is a sign of slow and unhurried, so often girls resort to their favorite techniques to speed up the process of seduction and finally get into their networks the representative of this sign of the Zodiac. However, women can be trapped, weaving intrigues, building intrigues and arranging all kinds of traps - Cancer's insight is so strong that he will grasp everything at one moment and go "to the depth." How to please a man-Raku - in this article.

10 commandments about how to please a man-Raku

  1. To appear before him feminine, weak and defenseless. You can create a situation in which Cancer could manifest himself as a defender, adviser or mentor. For example, ask to repair the faucet in the bathroom or recommend reading something from foreign classics. A man will feel his need and need, which is very important for him.
  2. To be able to hear and listen. With such a woman, Cancer will reveal its entire inner world, reveal its essence, that is, trust the woman. Therefore, those who are interested in how to behave and how to like the man-Cancer, you need to be a grateful listener and in no case should not criticize or criticize the man of this sign.
  3. Cancer will never forgive a woman flirting or flirting with others and this must be remembered. He is very vulnerable and sentimental.
  4. Those who want to know how to like the male Cancer on the first date , you just need to be natural. Do not be jealous and do not roll your eyes, and vulgarity is that representatives of this sign of the zodiac do not tolerate the spirit. Cancer is always in search of an ideal and it is necessary to try to become it.
  5. Cancer cherishes the dream of a strong and happy marriage, one for life. If you let him know that you are loyal, reliable, undemanding and disinterested, that is, chances to become his legitimate second half.
  6. Those who are interested in how to please a Raku man in bed should not somehow restrain themselves and be afraid to show all their temperament, because such a man, first of all, seeks to enjoy himself, and only then to deliver it to a partner. Therefore, any initiative will be welcomed.
  7. The man Cancer likes to eat well, therefore through the stomach you can also try to find a way to his heart.
  8. Such a man must always be made to understand that he is the main one, he is an indisputable leader . But who really pulls him for strings, he does not need to know.
  9. With the mother-in-law, relations should be only good and no other.
  10. Well, and most importantly - sincerely love your man, and he will answer the same!