Nervous exhaustion - treatment

Do you feel a decline of strength, apathy and irritability ? It seems that you are a victim of nervous exhaustion. In our time it happens with almost every workaholic. What do you want? The body can not withstand years of hard work and constant emotional stress.

The most susceptible to this disease are women, who besides work need to take care of the family. The nervous tension present in their life is everywhere, gradually accumulating, and eventually results in the exhaustion of the nervous system. Today we have to answer the question: "Nervous exhaustion how to treat?"

Nervous exhaustion - treatment with folk remedies

How to cure nerves? It is very simple, here you will receive the help of traditional medicine.

  1. We treat nerves with the help of tincture from valerian. Everyone knows about the wonderful calming properties of this herb. It can not only relax you and normalize sleep, but also help in the treatment of nervous exhaustion. To make an infusion of valerian at home, in a glass of warm boiled water, dilute 3 teaspoons of valerian roots and put the tincture for 6 hours in a dark place. Take a medicine for 1 tablespoon four times a day, before eating. Ready-made alcoholic infusion of valerian can be purchased at the pharmacy. Drink it is recommended, bred in warm milk (half a teaspoon to a third of a glass). This infusion is also taken four times a day before meals.
  2. Exhaustion of the nervous system - treatment with angelica. It helps to strengthen the psyche and has a tonic effect on the body as a whole. Apply angelica officinalis and with nervous exhaustion. To prepare a medicine, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of ground raw material in half a liter of boiled water and leave to stand for two hours. Take tincture should be four times a day, diluting it with honey: for half a glass of medicine, put 2 teaspoons of honey.
  3. Treatment of nervous exhaustion with honey and iodine. Natural honey is the main drug in the treatment of nerves. It will help you get rid of insomnia, increase efficiency and give vitality. You need to use it daily for 40 grams, dissolving in water or milk. And to relieve tension and irritability take in the morning on an empty stomach iodine: a couple drops of a 5% solution pour into a glass of warm milk and drink before breakfast.
  4. Cure the nervous system will help and grass astragalus fluffy flowering. Prepare a medical infusion of this herb easily: in 250 ml of boiling water brew a few tablespoons of chopped herbs and put the tincture in a dark place for two hours. To calm nerves and normalize the heart rhythm, drink the tincture of 3 tablespoons four times a day.

Exhaustion of the nervous system how to treat?

If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of nervous exhaustion, many people begin to panic and wonder: "What to do with nervous exhaustion?". The first thing you need to do is to unload yourself. Allow yourself to rest a little from the bustle of this world, take a vacation and go somewhere, well, or just lie around for a couple of days at home, having disconnected all communications.

Visit the attending physician, and find out from him what preparations with nervous exhaustion need to be taken. Revise your diet - eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, excluding from the food all fatty, high-calorie and spicy. Let your body relax.

In general, take care of yourself, as the saying goes: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run away to the forest", but you can suffer very much when you start nervous exhaustion. Do not "fight with illness", on the contrary - let yourself relax! And you will see how quickly everything will get to the point.