Is there love in the distance?

Distance love - it's about simple people, and psychologists. And this question does not leave anyone indifferent. Because not everyone can have the strength to endure separation from an expensive person. And if distance kills feelings , then it was not love? Should everything be regarded as so unambiguously? Is there love in the distance at all?

Is there love at a distance or is it a myth?

Most people really believe that the miles to real feelings are not a hindrance. And as evidence they tell stories that happened to their friends, relatives, friends, who for a long time had to be separated from their loved ones. But rarely enough, the storytellers themselves appear as the main characters in them. Which makes us think about some mythicalness of distance love. Although, of course, and call it an absolute fiction is impossible. Love at a distance does happen - sure psychologists. But to save it will have to make an effort.

Under what conditions can love exist at a distance?

For experts in the field of human relations, there is no question whether love is at a distance, to which they answer unequivocally in the affirmative. It is more important for them to determine how not to let this feeling come to naught. Psychologists advise:

  1. Start a romantic correspondence - a novel in real paper letters, from which you can then make a family archive.
  2. More often to call without an occasion and to send sms.
  3. To correspond via the Internet , to communicate via video communication in Skype.
  4. Do not be embarrassed to tell a loved one more affectionate words.
  5. Be sure to inform him of all the significant events of his life.
  6. Talk about reading books, watching movies, sharing thoughts, etc.
  7. Do not forget about gifts, even small souvenirs, sent by mail or with friends.