Monkey and Monkey Woman - Compatibility

You were born under the aegis of the Monkey, if the date of your birth fell on 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992. Consider the compatibility of male Monkeys and Monkey women with people born under other signs.

Who suits a woman Monkey?

A woman under the sign of the Monkey - nature is bright, she likes to make an impression and is perfectly able to do it. Often she marries in her youth, and only for that partner who will give her freedom of choice. She is active, she has many interests, ideas and plans. Often, such women are in a hurry to implement projects, which can not be considered a positive quality.

She needs a man who will look like her and from this is more understandable to her. However, whatever he was, she could quickly lose interest in him. And only if he really hooked her, she will be ready to raise children and take care of the common house.

Male Monkey - Compatibility

Born in the year of the Monkey man has an excellent sense of humor , good memory and a high level of intelligence, why he is loved and appreciated in society. They always have their own special skills. However, they are not careerists, but this does not prevent them from occupying a favorable position in society.

He needs an active, bright, cheerful woman who will share with him his hobbies, interests and emotions. The question of how to conquer a man Monkey, will never face an attractive, self-confident woman, because it will happen to her by itself.

Compatibility Monkeys on a horoscope

Let us consider with which signs the Monkey will have the most successful relationships. Do not forget that the horoscope shows only the general orientation of the relationship, but not their final result - it depends only on the pair itself.

So, the compatibility of the Monkey:

  1. With Rat: an ideal union, where a strong love and friendship are closely intertwined.
  2. With the Dragon: a promising alliance in which the two can easily find a common language.
  3. With Rabbit: they will have a common interest - their home, and if they can find agreement in this regard, then the marriage will be prolonged.
  4. With Goat: this is the ratio of two visionaries, in which the separation from reality is too great.
  5. With the Dog: The dog will idealize the Monkey, and that, in turn, will use it until the Dog is disappointed.
  6. With the Monkey: rarely a pair with a common sign has good compatibility, but Monkey-man and Monkey-woman - this is just the case. They will be interested together, and from this their union will win.
  7. With the Tiger: it will be difficult for them to agree, because the Monkey wants to ridicule the Tiger, and he does not accept this attitude to his person.
  8. With Rooster: this is a complex alliance in which the restless Monkey will tease and hinder the serious Rooster. Only if he does not notice, the union is possible.
  9. With the Bull: The bull will demand obedience, and the Monkey is too unserious for this.
  10. With the Cabana: a pretty good alliance, if the Monkey respects his partner and does not use his gullibility.
  11. With the Horse: it will be difficult for them to find a common language, because for the Monkey all life is a joke, and the Horse takes everything to heart.
  12. With the Snake: it is a union of opposites - The snake is cold, calculating and calm, and the Monkey is fussy and impulsive. It is difficult to imagine what can make them get along together.

Do not take the horoscope as a prediction: every relationship in any case develops according to its rules, and the eastern horoscope only slightly opens the veil over potential problems that may occur in the way of the couple. Knowing what the difficulties may be, it will be easier for you to build relationships.