Vietnam is a holiday season

Although Vietnam is one of those rare countries, you can equally well relax in any time of the year, yet when planning your vacation, you should take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. About when the best season for a holiday in different parts of Vietnam you can learn from our article.

Holiday season in Vietnam

As you know, the territory of this country can be divided into three climatic zones: North Vietnam, South Vietnam and Central Vietnam. In each of these parts it's time for rains and dryness to come in due time, which makes Vietnam year-round suitable for rest - while in one part it is raining, in the other is warmed by the tender sun. Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that the holiday season in Vietnam lasts all year round.

High season in Vietnam

The peak of the tourist season in Vietnam falls between the end of December and the beginning of April. It is during this period that crowds of tourists from all over the world come here, overcome by a thirst for a good time. No wonder, because this part of the year accounts for the majority of national holidays, travel agencies offer the most interesting tours, and in hotels life is a key. As a consequence, this agiotage leads to higher prices, so a vacation in Vietnam in winter is not a cheap pleasure.

Its tourist interest in Vietnam reaches its minimum by mid-summer, when the rainy season begins to dominate over most of its territory. In general, the low season in Vietnam stretches from May to October. During this period in Vietnam, you can relax at the lowest cost - hotels are ready to accept guests with discounts of 30%. During the rainy season in Vietnam, you can also have a good time, you just need to avoid the central part of it, where hurricanes often happen.