August 19 church feast - signs

On August 19, those who profess Orthodoxy celebrate the church feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, associated with many signs and customs. In the people he is still called the apple salvage or the Savior-on-Mount. Traditionally, all devout Christians go to the temple this day to devote apples and other crops, and then treat them and give them to all those close and needy.

Signs and customs for the Orthodox holiday of the Transfiguration of Our Lord August 19

After the service, the people went home to bake lenten apple pies, cook other food and go with her to the graves of deceased relatives to share apples of the first harvest. After already arranged a get-together with relatives and friends. On August 19, there is such a popular sign: bitten off his first apple, makes a wish with the words: "What is thought-will come to pass, that will come true, it will not fail". That such a conspiracy existed on this day, and from the signs on August 19 there was this: to get a beautiful blush and get rid of headaches, it was necessary in the morning to comb the hair with a comb made of their apple tree. And to enhance their own attractiveness, the girl wove apple leaves into the braids.

There is a mass of signs on August 19 Transfiguration of the Lord, for which the weather was predicted for the coming autumn and winter, here they are:

In general, on this day, Christians believed and hoped that life would change for the better, because "transformation" means "change," but change is not external and superficial, but internal, spiritual, that is, purification from sins, and only prayers and good deeds.