Protein in urine in pregnant women

In the future mother, the genitourinary system has a double load. Not only does the growing fetus and enlarged uterus squeeze the kidneys and make their function difficult, during pregnancy, the kidneys also work for two organisms: they take the food out of the mother's body and the growing baby.

The future mother passes urine tests every visit to the gynecologist. For pregnant women, traces of protein in urine are considered to be normal (not more than 0.03 g / l). More than 300 mg of protein per day in the analysis of urine in pregnancy indicates a malfunction in the genitourinary system of a woman, about kidney disease.

If proteinuria (a protein in the urine of a pregnant woman) is detected, she needs to visit the urologist and gynecologist regularly to prevent possible complications. With prolonged proteinuria or a sharp increase in protein in the urine, the pregnant woman will need treatment in the inpatient department. Often doctors even interrupt pregnancy in order to save a woman's life.

Proteinuria at week 32 may be a sign of the development of nephropathy in pregnant women. There is an increase in blood pressure, there are edemas. With nephropathy, there is a violation of the function of the placenta: it ceases to protect the fetus from the adverse effects of the environment and is no longer able to provide it with oxygen and nutrition. This is a serious complication of pregnancy and if you do not provide qualified help in time, it can cause miscarriage, or even the death of a child and mother. But do not forget, timely detection of the causes of protein increase in the urine and proper treatment contribute to the favorable course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Nevertheless, the presence of protein in the urine of pregnant women may be false. This can happen if urine is not collected correctly, with a dishwashing dish that is not properly cleaned, to which urine is collected or insufficiently clean external genitalia.

How to collect urine correctly?

On the eve of the collection of tests should not eat foods that stain urine (carrots, beets), do not take diuretic herbs and drugs that enhance the work of the kidneys, thoroughly wash the external genitalia.

Urine for analysis collect the morning, immediately after awakening. The container must be clean and dry.

What to do if the protein in the urine is increased, and the kidneys are healthy?

But remember, if the protein appears in the urine, you should consult a gynecologist who is watching you!