Mukosat - analogues

Mucosate is one of the best drugs possessing chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory action. If you need to stimulate the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, then this medicine is worth choosing. But what if you did not find it in the pharmacies? What can replace Mucosate in tablets and ampoules?

Analog of Mucostat - Arthron Chondrex

If you need Mucosate analogues in the form of tablets, Arthron Hondrex will be a good choice. It is a chondroprotective drug that:

This medicine prevents the development of various degenerative damages to the cutaneous and cartilaginous tissue and helps repair the connective tissue. With the help of the Arthron Chondreks it is possible to improve joint mobility and completely eliminate the pain syndrome in patients who suffer from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis). Indications for its use are also broken bones.

As with other Mukosata analogs, the Arthron Hondrex product has side effects. These include:

But this drug is well tolerated by patients, so the development of such unpleasant consequences was noted in very rare cases.

Analogue of Mucostat - Hondrohard

Are you interested in Mucosate analogues in ampoules? Then pay attention to the injections of Chondrohard. It is a drug that affects the metabolic processes in the hyaline cartilage. It helps to reduce degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints, and also stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans and helps to speed up its recovery. If to use these nyxes, the soreness will decrease, the mobility of the affected joints will significantly improve.

Indications for use Hondroguard are:

Nyxes Mukosat and analogs of this medicine should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. But Hondrogaard is also not recommended for bleeding, thrombophlebitis, or a tendency to bleeding. There are also side effects of this drug:

They rarely appear, but if the patient still sees such allergic reactions, you need to stop treatment with Hondrohard.