Glandache in pregnant women - reasons

Polyhydramnios are a violation of the normal course of pregnancy. With polyhydramnios, there is an excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid, which must protect the fetus from excessive pressure on the stomach and various infections. Exceeding the norm can lead to various violations in the development of the fetus.

How to determine polyhydramnios?

This pathology manifests itself as certain symptoms, which begin to cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. This sensation of heaviness and soreness in the abdomen, swelling of the extremities, increased heart rate and general condition of malaise. Also, in case of polyhydramnios with the naked eye, one can see a certain discrepancy between the size of the too large abdomen for a particular gestation period.

But the diagnosis can be made only after the delivery of a number of tests and the passage of ultrasound. A qualified specialist will be able to determine the index of the amniotic fluid and compare the result with the averaged normal parameters. You can see the average indicators in the normal course of pregnancy using the table.

Causes of polyhydramnios in pregnancy

What provokes this pathology? Until now, scientists can not give a single answer to this question.

There is a certain risk group, women from whom are more likely to meet with the excess volume of amniotic fluid.

First of all, this is a multiple pregnancy. In this case, often the lack of amniotic fluid of one fetus is compensated by an overabundance of another.

Such chronic diseases as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system and urinary tract can also provoke the disease.

Rhesus-conflict between mother and child, as well as chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus (Down's syndrome, Edwards) often lead to an excess of amniotic fluid.

Still, scientists call such causes of polyhydramnios during pregnancy, as excessive size of the fetus or congenital pathologies in its development. Minor violations in the work of the cardiovascular, central uneven system or esophagus, change the balance.

Among other reasons, it is common to consider watering in pregnant women as infectious diseases - rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc. Less often, as a provoking factor, placental tumors or problems with the umbilical artery appear.

Treatment of polyhydramnios

Before appointing a treatment regimen, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis to understand what are the real causes of polyhydramnios.

For examination, a woman gives blood tests (total, glucose, rhesus-conflict), urine. Assigning the passage of ultrasound, cardiotocography, Doppler.

Further treatment directly depends on the causes of the disease. As a rule, this is a reception of vitamins, antibacterial therapy and drugs that improve utero-placental blood flow.

There are several forms of polyhydramnios - acute, chronic and mild. In acute disease, the symptoms are very clear, and in most cases it is difficult to save the fetus.

Chronic polyhydramnios need constant monitoring. At observance of all references it is possible to give birth to the healthy kid. Moderate polyhydramnios practically does not manifest itself as a characteristic symptomatology. But one should constantly monitor the changes in the amniotic fluid.

Possible consequences

Having identified the causes of polyhydramnios, one should also understand the possible consequences:

Polyhydramnios are not a verdict. With the detection of pathology and timely treatment, it is possible to give birth to healthy offspring.