After an abortion, there are no monthly ones - the reasons for the absence of menstruation, what should a woman do?

Women who have undergone a pregnancy termination procedure often experience irregular menstrual cycles. So, many complain about the fact that after an abortion there is no monthly for a long time. Let's consider the situation in more detail, let's name the main reasons, we will find out: when the monthly after the abortion comes, depending on its type.

The first months after the abortion

It is worth noting that the period of absence of menstrual period is due to the type of the procedure for getting rid of pregnancy. But, regardless of this, after the abortion should go monthly. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish them from the blood withdrawn from the uterus, which is often recorded after manipulation. They last up to 10 days. Directly critical days should be fixed after a month.

When do menstrual periods begin after an abortion?

Often, girls who have been subjected to artificial termination of pregnancy, are interested in the question of how much after the abortion begins monthly. Responding to him, the doctor pays attention to the method of manipulation. There is a regularity: the less traumatic the method of getting rid of the embryo, the faster the recovery of the uterine endometrium, the cycle is restored. On average, menstrual flow is observed after 28-35 days. The day of the manipulation is taken as the starting point.

How many months after abortion?

Changes affect both the time of onset of menstrual and their duration. Often they pass, as before. Telling about how many days are monthly after the abortion, gynecologists talk about 3-5 days. Due to various reasons, these time frames may be shifted. Among them are:

Lean months after abortion

A small volume is due to hormonal failure in the body, which is observed with any kind of stopping pregnancy. In such cases the girl needs medication. Often very meager months after abortion come when it is carried out with the help of medications. In this case, menstruation acquires the following features:

Abundant months after abortion

This phenomenon is not uncommon after the operation. Strong months after abortion are with this type of getting rid of pregnancy, as scraping is due to this fact, a severe traumatization of the endometrial layer of the uterus. In some cases, damage to deeper layers, up to the muscular, can be fixed. Abundant secretions are usually called those that:

Why is there no monthly abortion?

For the norm accepted a time interval of 25-35 days - so long after an abortion, there are no monthly intervals in 35-45% of women. If they are not observed after the specified period - it is worth contacting the doctor. Among the main reasons for explaining the fact that after an abortion for a long time there are no monthly, doctors call:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. Often develops with the drug method of manipulation. In such situations, prescribe drugs that correct the hormonal system.
  2. Inflammatory processes. Violation of the rules of manipulation, sterility of the instrument, can lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the reproductive system. As a consequence - after the abortion there are no monthly ones. Additional examination, the appointment of appropriate therapy are essential requirements in such situations.
  3. Excessive injury to the inner layer of the uterus. To restore the cycle, the body takes time. The duration of this period is 3-5 months.

Monthly after medical abortion

Often, girls are faced with the fact that after a medical abortion there is no monthly for a long time. This fact is due to the period of restoration of the hormonal system. With the onset of pregnancy, there is an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone, prolactin, which inhibits ovulation and menstruation. Artificial stopping is carried out simultaneously, but the body needs time for restructuring - because of this, after an abortion there are no monthly ones. About a month later, the recovery of menstruation and the cycle as a whole can occur. In some cases, one cycle can be anovulatory - the egg does not exit and there is no menstruation either.

Monthly after vacuum abortion

After such manipulation, the girl observes the appearance of blood that has no connection with the cyclic phenomenon in the reproductive system. They last up to 10 days. Together with the blood leave the remains of damaged uterine tissues. As for the time when the menstrual period comes after a mini-abortion, the gynecologists notice that this species is unpredictable in this respect. For nulliparous girls, the period of amenorrhea can last up to six months. For children who have children, the rehabilitation period is reduced to 3-4 months. Normally, menstruation should be a month later.

Monthly after surgical abortion

This method of getting rid of the embryo is recognized as the most dangerous, therefore it is used only for long periods and in the presence of special indications. After the operation, you must closely monitor the nature and volume of menstrual periods. It is worth noting that clotting can be fixed for a month from the moment of manipulation. It is necessary to be alerted when the discharge stops, after a few days. If there are no monthly abortions after a surgical abortion, this may indicate a hematometer - an outflow from cervical spasm.

Regarding the time of the onset of critical days, doctors note that in view of the violation of the basal surface of the endometrium, they are absent for several months (2-4). To avoid this, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions and recommendations. So, doctors advise to refrain from intimate relationships within 1 month. Ideal when sex is renewed after the end of menstrual periods.

What if there is no monthly abortion?

The very fact that there is a delay in menstrual after an abortion, doctors regard as a variant of the norm. Each female organism is individual, the recovery occurs at different rates. A much greater concern is the consequences of disrupting the hormonal system - reproductive system diseases ( polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids). There is a dependence of the probability of development of violations from the time of the artificial termination of gestation - the gestation period is longer, the violations are more pronounced.

If menstruation does not occur 35 days after the procedure, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. The doctor conducts a comprehensive examination, on the basis of the result, prescribes therapy. It includes: