Apple strudel made from puff pastry - recipe

Strudel is a traditional Austrian dessert. The main requirement for a test is its thickness. It must be very thin, so the strudel will turn out to be gentle and airy. And the traditional stuffing for strudel are apples. They must necessarily be of a solid grade, so that during the preparation the pieces remain intact and do not boil. For more details, prepare the classic apple strudel in the recipes presented in this article.

Recipe for apple strudel with nuts from ready-made puff pastry



Because puff pastry is usually sold frozen, you need to start with the fact that it should melt, but it is desirable to stay cool. To do this, it is enough for him to lie down at room temperature for about an hour.

Apples are cleaned, cut out the testes and cut into cubes. In one glass of water, squeeze out half of the lemon juice and pour the apple crumb for 5 minutes. This will stop the oxidation process and during cooking the apples will not darken. Next, pour them into another container and sprinkle three tablespoons of sugar, mix well and flip it over the colander. Thus, we will get rid of excess juice, when connecting with sugar, apples will start to allocate it, it just drains out.

The dough is thinly rolled into a rectangle and greased with butter, leaving 2 cm from the edge. Sprinkle with almonds, crushed into a crumb with a blender (it will absorb the juice and will not let it flow out), use only half of the almonds, the rest of the sprinkled toppings. Apples spread along the short edge, sprinkled with sugar and almonds, gently folded into a roll, gluing edges along the sides. Lubricate the top with whipped egg yolk and make transverse cuts to allow steam to come out. Oven heat up to 195 degrees and bake for 35 minutes.

Apple strudel with cinnamon from puff yeast dough



Cut apples into thin plates or small cubes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. We mix and let impregnate. Meanwhile, thawed dough is rolled from the center so that a rectangle is obtained. Lubricate it with butter and put stuffing on ¾ of the whole dough, not occupying the edges. From the top, lay out pieces of butter, wrap it halfway into a roll, and fold the side edges inward, as if sealing it. So all the juice will remain inside. Fold the rest, from the top we make punctures with a fork so that the steam comes out when baking. Bake 45 minutes at 195 degrees. We prepare caramel from orange liqueur and powdered sugar and ready the roll from above.

How to cook apple strudel with raisins from puff pastry



Raisins soaked in boiling water. Apples are cleaned and crushed into a small cube. In the frying pan, we sink the butter and send the apples and half the sugar to languish until the excess liquid evaporates, then add the rum and mix it. The dough is slightly rolled out, smeared with butter and sprinkled with cookie crumbs, leaving the edges free. We spread apples, raisins and sprinkle the remaining sugar with vanillin, roll into rolls and tear the edges. Bake 50 minutes at 175 degrees. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.