Syrup from Kalina for the winter

Usually, the viburnum is harvested in the form of compotes, jam, tinctures and jams, but we propose to make of these scarlet berries an unmatched syrup for the winter .

How to prepare syrup from a viburnum - the recipe for the winter



  1. The berries of ripe Kalina are carefully and carefully separated from twigs.
  2. Then fill them with a sufficient amount of cold water, in which the Kalina is well washed.
  3. We move the berries in a pan with a thick bottom and fill them with clean water.
  4. We put the container on the hot plate of the gas cooker and cook its contents until all the berries crack and release their juice.
  5. In a deep colander we lining a half-folded piece of clean gauze and throwing back all the boiled gruel from the viburnum.
  6. We are good enough to grind all the berries with our hands, and tie the remaining cake with a knot in the cheesecloth and squeeze it as much as possible into the same container into which the mashed puree was collected.
  7. In this mass, pour white sugar and add fragrant vanilla.
  8. We move the container to the included cooking zone and, with continuous stirring, heat it to the initial stage of boiling and immediately remove it from the fire.
  9. We pour out the whole syrup of syrup on the well-fried glass jars in the oven and seal them tightly with tin roasted lids.
  10. For storage, we place containers on the lower shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

How to make Kalina in sugar syrup for the winter?



  1. Properly prepare the berries of fresh Kalina and immediately fill them with thrice processed with steep boiling water cans.
  2. Drinking water poured into a small pot or scoop and put it on the burner.
  3. As soon as the water gives signs of boiling, pour small sugar and, letting the syrup fully boil, cook it for about 5 minutes.
  4. We pour out the whole ready syrup on cans with kalina, and after that we move them into containers with already boiling water. Thus, we sterilize the viburnum in sweet sugar syrup for 12 minutes.
  5. Hermetically cork each jar and store them in the coolest place.