Potato casserole with minced meat in a multivariate

Potato casserole will be a hearty and delicious lunch or a full dinner. It is prepared incredibly simply, especially if you use the multivariate. We will tell you some nuances of how to make a deliciously tender potato casserole with minced meat.

Recipe for potato casserole with minced meat in a multivariate


To fill:


We clean onions, cut into small pieces and combine them with minced meat. Then add all the salt to taste and mix. Potatoes are cleaned and shredded in thin circles.

Next, we prepare the dressing: mix in a bowl of sour cream, mayonnaise, pour in the flour and inject the eggs. Thoroughly mix, season with spices and beat with a fork. We spread the bowl of the multivark oil vegetable, spread the potatoes on the bottom and pour out a little pouring. Then we lay a layer of forcemeat and we hold it tightly with our hands. On top again, pour the creamy mixture and cover with a layer of potatoes. Pour out the remaining fill, close the lid and turn on the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes. After the sound signal, turn carefully the casserole on the plate and serve, cutting into pieces.

Potato casserole with minced fish



To make a casserole with minced meat, cut the potatoes into rings, celery and garlic - cubes, and rub the cheese. Fish fillet washed, skipped through a meat grinder or finely chopped. Now take shape, lay out all the ingredients: potatoes, onion, fish, sour cream, fresh herbs and spices. Sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese and gently pour boiled water. We prepare the dish in the "Baking" mode for about 40 minutes.

Potato casserole with chicken minced in a multivariate



Potatoes and onions are cleaned and finely shredded. Then spread the vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle on the taste of spices, add chopped greens and mix. Now we prepare meat: salt it and mix it with the chopped green onions. Eggs are broken into a piallet and whipped with mayonnaise. We lubricate the cup of the multivark oil, lay out the layers of potatoes and cover it evenly with minced meat. Again, we spread the potatoes and pour the casserole with the egg mixture. Now close the device and cook in the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.

Potato casserole with minced meat in a multivariate



Potatoes are well washed, cleaned, crushed, broken eggs, poured cool milk, throw spices and mix. Bulgarian pepper is processed, shredded into cubes, and the rest of the vegetables are defrosted beforehand. Chicken minced salted to taste. We put the cup of multivarka with baking paper, spread a little potato paste, distribute chicken minced meat, vegetables and sprinkle with grated cheese. Next, lay out the remaining potato mass, level it with a spoon and close the lid of the device. We prepare the dish in the "Bake" program for approximately 50 minutes. We serve potato casserole chilled with sour cream.