Divination by Catholic Christmas

Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, before the New Year, as the most important holiday, which is followed by the strictest fasting - Christmas Eve . Divination by Catholic Christmas is a tradition similar to that of Orthodox Christians, it only differs in the European manner. Divination by the event of the coming year is mainly carried out on the main traditional dish on the festive table: carp, lamb or turkey, homemade gingerbread with surprises and predictions.

If you choose a method of divination by fish, you need to bring it home still alive and separate yourself, for the prediction you need to collect the scales and spread it on a sheet of white paper evenly. After two days to see how the state of the scales has changed, if it has not changed much, then this portends a good stable year in all respects, if the color is gray or black and many coalesced scales, then the year will not be the most favorable.

On the bones, you can also determine what to expect in the coming year, for this you need to find the largest bone and look at it if it is smooth and light without chips and cracks then the year will be successful, if it is damaged and dark color - be ready for failure .

You can even guess on fruit fruits, this method will help you to know whether to expect the next marriage or marriage. Take a beautiful fruit and go out into the street while awake to eat the fruit, watch around if the first-appearing passer-by is the opposite sex, then you can count on a wedding this year.

Signs on a Catholic Christmas

  1. It is a bad sign to sit down at a festive table in clothes, which already wore or black clothes, it will bring poverty and need in the new year.
  2. Traditionally, the fire in the house, whether it's a fireplace or a candle, should burn before dawn, as it will help clean the house of last year's misery and illness.
  3. It is believed that the richer and more expensive the table will be, and the decoration of the house the more profits will bring the coming year.
  4. At midnight, you need to open the window open to let in happiness, joy and luck to your house.