Funny contests for the corporate

On the approach the New Year's holiday, and it is necessary to prepare the program urgently, but, as always, only the most banal and hackneyed stories come to mind. That's why the organizers of such events have to shovel the mountains of sites to find something original and, at the same time, not vulgar, suitable for their company. We will try to help you a little by throwing some of the most fun and versatile New Year's contests for the corporate. We are sure, on the eve of the main winter holiday, this funny list will help someone very much.

How fun to spend corporate?

Unexpected gift

For this entertainment you need to do a minimum of work - to find a large box, decorate it with some stars or snowflakes, and fill with a variety of clothes of incredible colors and size. And suitable for gifts, as children's things, and models that are real giants. Most often in this very funny competition for corporate use the following things: incredibly large bras, various clown jewelry (red nose, mustache, cap, funny shoes), men's panties of the maximum size, children's tights. Drawing is as follows - under cheerful music the box is transmitted along a chain, and it is necessary to open it to the one who will have it during the unexpectedly paused pause. A corporate guest takes out a thing at random, hands over the box to a neighbor and leaves the circle. Then everything goes on until everyone gets a new one. It is necessary to observe an important condition - one can not remove in the next hour the gift of Santa Claus.

At the maternity home

This fun helps to remember the times when happy fathers try to find out from their spouse what his first-born looks like. "Mothers" are given notes with descriptions of "babies". Their task, standing at a distance, using the pantomime to describe the child's signs. "Fathers" should ask questions and understand what they are trying to portray their faithful wives. The winner is the couple whose spouse will describe his heir more quickly and accurately. And to answer it was difficult, signs write the most unexpected. It is also possible for a variety of "fathers" to make women, and "mothers" of their partners for the competition.

Remove clothespin

The first pair is selected. The clothes of women from all sides cling to five (or other a certain number) pegs. On the sign of a partner quickly they should be removed. Naturally, this will happen quickly and the partner from the next pair of indignant viewers will blindfold. But the trick is that they are hooked on one piece less. One can imagine with what zeal the perplexed participant will start looking for the missing clothespin.

Funny questions and answers for the corporate

Although this contest is not new, but it is so funny that they use it with pleasure almost at every such event. The main thing is that when the matches turn out to be very unusual combinations.


Do you often mess with colleagues? If the director orders.
Do you get acquainted in the street? Only half asleep and in slippers.
Do you like to scratch your back? Only in a restaurant.
Do you adore unconventional sex? I treat with delight.
Are you amorous? Is it imperceptible.

Flying gait

The victim of this contest is given the task to go blindfolded between bottles arranged in a row. It is not difficult, but there is one feature that the contestant should not know about. The fact is that while the participant is taken to the side and tied to his eye, all the bottles are cleaned. Imagine the laughter of the hall, when he diligently raises his legs and slowly paces around the hall, trying to circumvent the nonexistent obstacles. It's good, if the audience will "prompt" a friend where the bottles "are", stretching themselves pleasure from the performance.

List such fun games and funny puzzles for the corporate can be extremely long. Adults, no less than children, adore such things. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the holiday not only for a lavish feast, but also for an entertainment program that will make this evening unforgettable.