Positions for a photo shoot for complete

For many years our society has developed in such a way that the ideal parameters are 90-60-90. Therefore it is quite understandable that women who are inclined to a small completeness are often overly critical of themselves and complex about this. Although several centuries ago it was the lush girls that were the standard of female beauty - this is the picture of many famous artists of the time. But in our time everything is different.

Many beauties "in the body" are interested in the answer to the question, how to hold a photo session for a full girl? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Ideas for a photo shoot for fat women

The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that lush models should not hide their fullness, because from it in any case can not escape. Stress it with a beautiful dress for full , sarafan, skirt or even a swimsuit. It is also necessary to find a way to emphasize the dignity of your figure and personality in general. This is not always easy, but, nevertheless, if you make enough effort, it will all work out. Full girls can and should be photographed and neither in profile, nor full face. The best pose for a photo shoot for fat women will be if the model becomes a half-sketch, in the foreshortening three quarters. It is desirable to straighten the shoulders, and try to involve the stomach. That the girl seemed more harmonous, it is necessary to keep an even posture. Mostly, the poses for a photo shoot of complete models should look as natural as possible, so that they do not have a lot of tension.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot for full girls

If the girl is sitting, you can ask her quite a bit "to tighten the socks", that is, stretch the legs a little - this at the visual level will lengthen the shin and give this pose a special grace and grace. One of the best poses for a photo shoot for full women is the posture, when the model sits "with the legs forward", and occupies the position in half a turn. Having taken such a pose, you can ask the girl to gently throw one leg to the other, so that they form one line.

If a woman has long and luxurious hair - it is absolutely necessary to take advantage of this! They can and should be disbanded, because loose hair will help hide excessive fullness, as well as wide cheekbones, or plump cheeks. If the photo session will be held in the studio - you can use a fan, through which the hair will flutter, which will add some lightness and originality to the photos.

When shooting in full growth is best to sit down a little. In this case, do not forget that the hands do not need to be placed near the body - this will only visually increase the curvy shapes.