Taurus and Sagittarius - compatibility in all life spheres

A pair of Taurus and Sagittarius, whose compatibility can be recognized through horoscopes, is interesting, but it can not be called ideal. To be together, they will have to change a lot and be lenient towards the partner. To such victims are ready few, therefore attitudes or relations often collapse.

Taurus and Sagittarius - compatibility in love relationships

To understand the prospects for the development of relations in such a pair, it is necessary to specifically take into account which sign the man has, and which one the woman has:

  1. She is Taurus, he is Sagittarius. Union, to put it mildly, unsuccessful and to meet it is a great rarity. The Taurus and Sagittarius pair, whose compatibility is low, is based on love and respect rarely, and for them the feeling of unacceptability and even hatred is more acceptable. This is explained by the fact that both partners are bright personalities who are closely together.
  2. She is Sagittarius, he is Taurus. At the initial stage of development of relations the couple looks ideal, but after a short time comes the understanding that people are different. Sagittarius and Taurus, whose compatibility in love is low, look at life in different ways. A woman does not like to stand still, and for her changes are of great importance, while the partner prefers consistency. For Sagittarius, a routine in which this sign feels uncomfortable is unacceptable.

To save Sagittarius's relationship with Taurus, astrologers give some advice. Great value for a strong alliance has mutual respect, so partners must stop reproaching each other. It is recommended that both a man and a woman often openly show their feelings, which makes lovers more tolerant to each other. It is important to remember the rule for maintaining relations - a calm constructive dialogue.

Marriage - Sagittarius Taurus

Fire and Earth are not considered a good combination, therefore, to maintain family relations, the spouses will have to work hard. To understand the compatibility of Sagittarius and Taurus, let's consider the main points of the relationship:

  1. Sagittarius is arrogant and likes to be the main one in the relationship, but Taurus does not like this state of affairs.
  2. The Earth sign is comfortable in a calm environment, when it is known that it will be tomorrow, but this state of affairs does not suit such a state of things and emotions, movement and surprises from life are important for it.
  3. If the wife of Sagittarius is Taurus's husband or vice versa, then in such a couple there is often no trust, which causes misunderstanding and multiple quarrels.
  4. Between couples in such a pair there is always a passion that holds together their relationship.
  5. While partners will tolerate each other's character traits and notice the strengths, the marriage will be happy.

Taurus Sagittarius - compatibility in sex

At the initial stages of relations in bed, representatives of this sign will be ideal, as both prefer passionate and emotional sex. The pair Taurus and Sagittarius is unstable, as partners have different temperaments and this will sooner or later manifest in bed. For their qualitative intimate life, the main enemy will be monotony. A classic scene for the pair Sagittarius and Taurus is a violent reconciliation in bed after a heated quarrel.

Sagittarius and Taurus - compatibility in friendship

Strong friendly relations between these signs of the zodiac are extremely rare. This is explained by the fact that Sagittarius and Taurus have different views on life and interests. Even initially seemingly ideal friendly relations can eventually be empty, because people can play a role, having a very different opinion of a person. If the relationship is still there, then they will be based on mutual benefit.

Taurus and Sagittarius - compatibility in work

In the business field, it will be difficult for such people to find contact, because they have different rates and style of work. Taurus and Sagittarius are not suitable for one ligament in the work, because the effectiveness will be low. The solution to the problem is to properly allocate roles, that is, to set a task that a particular sign of the zodiac can successfully solve. Sagittarius can do the role of a leader who will organize work, and keep in touch with the public. Taurus will be a good performer, because he does an excellent job with routine matters.