16 unusual methods of using food film

Helps in the fight with cellulite, is an assistant in repair and cooking - all this is about a familiar food film. Presented lifhakas will show what a multi-functional thing is right under your nose.

A few years ago nobody knew about food film, and today it is already available in almost every kitchen. Its main purpose is to store products, with this task it copes 100%. Thanks to savvy people have made the film almost universal thing that can come in handy in different situations. Already many have been able to assess the effectiveness of these lifhakas, so remember or write down.

1. Beauty Secrets

There are many folk cosmetic methods that women have been using for more than one year. For example, numerous wraps are used among slimming women. The film creates a greenhouse effect in problem areas, which increases the speed of lymph and blood flow, so you can cope with cellulite. In addition, with the help of food film, you can enhance the effect of any face masks (especially cleansers), and all thanks to the thermal effect.

2. Proper storage of colors

It is very unfortunate when the donated flowers quickly fade and eventually go to the garbage can. To bouquet longer pleased with its beauty, you need to wrap the ends of the stems with a tissue napkin, and then fix everything with food film.

3. Useful home sausage

Store sausage products are difficult to call natural and even more useful, so the housewives found a way out - cooking home sausage. In the film should be wrapped minced, forming a sausage, which is then cooked for a couple or cooked.

4. The secret for luggage safety

On the road often have to take a variety of cosmetics in jars, tubes and the like, for example, a cream or shampoo. Sometimes containers can be opened (it's unclear how they are unscrewed in bags) and all the contents are on things. To prevent such trouble, you need to remove the lid, cover the neck with food film, and again twist it. In most cases this will be enough, but you can additionally completely wrap the jar in the film to get 100% protection from spills.

5. For beating meat

The preparation of different dishes includes such a process as beating meat. After it, you have to wash not only the board and the hammer, but everything around, as the splashes scatter all over the kitchen. In order not to add work to yourself, you just need to wrap the meat with a film that will serve as a protection.

6. Warming Windows

Not only wooden, but also plastic windows sometimes require additional protection from the wind. Even one small crack or crack can significantly reduce the temperature in the room. The situation can be corrected with the help of food film, which should be cut into small pieces, fold them on top of each other to get a thick layer. Glue them to the place from which it blows heavily, and the problem will be solved.

7. Preserving the taste of wine

If after the feast left an open wine, do not rush to pour it, because there is a way to preserve the taste. Food film, you need to close the neck of the vessel. Thanks to this drink will not absorb foreign odors and will not lose its taste.

8. Delicious ice cream

When storing ice cream in a freezer, it starts to crystallize, which spoils not only its appearance and consistency, but also its taste. There is a simple trick, the action of which is confirmed by many housewives - pre-wrap the ice cream with food film and it will retain its softness.

9. Primitive packing of things

Is there a transfer? Then you need to use different lifhaki to simplify this difficult period. In order not to get things out of the dresser, boxes, caskets and so on, just wrap them with food film. As a result, things will not fall out, and they will not need to be shifted back and forth.

10. The brush will not dry

If during the painting of walls or any other objects it is necessary to temporarily stop the process, then it is worth taking measures to prevent the brush or roller from drying out. There is a simple solution - wrap them with food film. It can also be pulled on a can of paint, so that the smell does not spread. Many workers wrap a film with a container where the paint is poured, so that it does not have to be washed afterwards.

11. The trick to repair

Just paint the wall - boring and uninteresting. To add a beautiful pattern, you can use different curly rollers, but they are not cheap. Get the original pattern on the walls can be with food film. It's very simple: first a layer of paint is applied to the wall, and a film is mounted on top, which needs to be crushed. The result is unusual stains on the wall.

12. Preserving the freshness of bananas

Bananas in the home quickly darken and become unfit for consumption. To keep the freshness of these fruits longer, you can simply wrap the stems with a film.

13. Greenhouse with own hands

It is better to plant plants through seedlings, which is easy to obtain at home. In order for seeds to ascend quickly, they are provided with hothouse conditions, for example, using a film. After sowing seeds and watering, close the container with a film. This will create the necessary microclimate.

14. Safe garden work

The problem, familiar to many people who were engaged in garden works, is calluses on hands. If you have to work with a rake, shovel and other tools, then you need to wrap the handle on it with a food film. Rest assured, there will be no more calluses on my hands.

15. Method of cooking eggs

Not all cooks get the first time to cook an egg poached, but there is a simple lifhak that will help make it quickly and without problems. On the saucer, put the film and grease it with vegetable oil. Smash the egg on it and roll the film into a bag, which should be sent to boiling water for three minutes. After this, remove, remove the film and enjoy the dish.

16. There will be no more spray

Many women claim that they do not like cooking because after that you need to wash dishes, a table, and sometimes even walls in the kitchen. The problem sometimes creates a blender, which during whipping can "scatter" the spray around. To prevent this, simply wrap the container with a film.